What was your first camera ?

My first camera I remember was a Kodak 110 instamatic, very cheap, plastic and small. The first SLR was a Kiev 4 as in the photo, and got it when I was 11 and used it up until I got my first digital camera.


The first digital camera was the Olympus C-820L which I got in 1997 and was a massive 0.81Mp. There's a list of stats here http://www.olympus.co.uk/consumer/208_C-820L.htm and I've still got some of the photos backed up on discs. They don't look great to be honest.

Then I went through various makes and models of Fuji, Panasonic, Samsung, Kodak and probably others too, all compact or bridge type, until I finally jump to a Canon 550D in 2010 and haven't looked back since. Now got a 7D and a 5D2 and about half a dozen lenses.

I don't think the Kiev is a SLR; it's a rangefinder
Hmmm. My first camera would have been an old Zenit TTL that my Uncle gave to me years ago. It wasn't used in all honesty and was resigned to the back of the wardrobe. Only recently has it been dug out and had some film put in it, as a bit of a novelty.

First digital one (aside from a borrowed 10D) was my 50D.
I don't think the Kiev is a SLR; it's a rangefinder

Yeah, you're right it is. I was thinking of another camera and started writing it, then I remembered the Kiev 4 and forgot to change the rest of the post. My brother still has his and still uses it regularly.
My first SLR was a Zenit(h) of some sort but didn't get on with it so I concentrated on the Kiev 4 instead. Apparently, there's one in the castle museum in York so my brother says. I remember getting a whole roll of film developped and realising I'd set the shutter speed wrong and got a black bar across the bottom half of the photos. Digital is so much easier when you can check what a mess you've just made straight away.
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My dad used to work at Dixons main operations centre and he got one of these as a christmas gift. He gave it to me when I was only 9. I think I ony ever used it when I went holiday to spain to see my grandparents.
My first camera was a Zenit B. Was as excited as a very excited thing when i bought it at the age of 13 :) Paid for by pea picking during the summer holidays.
Next up was a Nikon FM, a Zenza Bronica ETRS, a Cannon T90 (which i still have and use) and finally a Cannon 5D MKII.
My first camera was a little Boots fixed focus 35mm P&S when I was about 4

Later when I was 8 and started to get interested in photography and my dads ME Super, he gave me his first SLR, a Zenit EM which I still have and it works fine (plus the 58mm f2 Helios 44-M is a superbly sharp lens with fantastic bokeh).
Later on after going through a few digital P&S's I got interested in using the Zenit again and a couple of years ago I brought a pristine Pentax Spotmatic F with an SMC Takumar 55mm f1.8 and later a few Minolta AF cameras as well as a tiny Pentax Auto 110.

So I now have these:

  • Zenit EM
  • Pentax Spotmatic F
  • Minolta Dynax 505si Super
  • Minolta Dynax 5
  • Pentax Auto 110
  • Pentax ESII (being restored/repaired)
  • Minolta SR-T 303 (Needs some repair work)

Heres an example of the tiny size of the Pentax Auto 110 with its tiny little 18mm, 24mm and 50mm lenses, compared to the Dynax 5.


Shame 110 film is so difficult to get these days (although hopefully not in a year or so when Adox finally release their long delayed film)
First one I remember was a Kodak Brownie ( Probably a 2a) that I took to London on a school trip. Out of 12 shots, I got one that had some sort of image on it and that was of a ship on the Thames. Everything else was overexposed or just black!
Next was an Instamatic, then a Fed 3 and onto an SLR with a Zenit TTL that my Dad bought me for my 21st!.
I think the next one was a Canon EOS 1000FN which I kept till my first digital camera, a Casio QV11, which I still have in full working order!
My first camera was a Kodak 25 (Earlier version of [user]woof woof[/user]'s 35), and still have it complete with flash cubes, cube adaptor, manual and box. Yep, it really did have a manual. More of a leaflet really. I was 7yrs old.
First SLR was a Zenit E when I was 11, Followed by, and in order:
Fuji ST605n
Pentax ESII
Yashica FXD Quartz
Various Nikons, starting with the F3 and FA

First DSLR Nikon D100
first camera i cant remember fully but know it was an instamatic. first slr was a zenit olympic (basicly an e with the olympic logo) the zenit was quickly sold and replaced with a pentax me super.
I feel quite young seeing all these old cameras!

1st camera was a Kodak easyshare cx7300 i think

2nd camera, upgraded to my "current" (haven't used it for ages) Fuji finepix S3500

1st dSLR, Pentax K10D should be in the post on its way to me :D
This was my first camera:

My first camera by felix rufus, on Flickr

Information from another Flickr member (see my favourites):

Beirette Junior II

System: Viewfinder
Film Format: 35mm

Exposure: Full Manual

Lens: E. Ludwig Meritar 45mm/2.9
Aperture: f/2.9, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22
Shutter Speed: 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, B

Manufacturer: Kamera-Fabrik Woldemar Beier

Made from 1959, in East Germany.​

My first SLR was a Ricoh KR-10.

First digital camera was a Kodak DC215 that got so full of dust that it was realistically unusable.

First DSLR was a Canon 350D
It's rapidly becoming clear that the reason communism in Russia failed is nothing to do with the US bankrupting the USSR via the SDI race, but in fact because we stopped buying Zenit cameras in the UK. I mean, so many of us in here had Zenit as our first SLR in the 70s and early 80s, it's quite incredible...
Fuji DL-10 35mm. I still have it somewhere. Was a birthday or christmas present. I used it happily for years then got a samsung 35mm zoom thingy. Still have that too.

First 35mm slr was a centon df-300. Had two as the first had the infamous shutter sticking issue. Had it repaired. Then it did it again. Then I got another. Then got the minolta 404si which was my first AF SLR. Think I have a pentax me super laying around somewhere. Never used it. Also got a praktica nova but it is wonked.
I started out with an Olympus OM2sp when I was about 12 and then I traded it towards a Nikon F3 when I was about 16. Used that for years but always wanted one of those kodak digital backs and when Nikon finally released an affordable digital SLR I had to buy one so got a Nikon D100 the week they were released. Used that up until a couple of years ago when I then got a D300s. I like to use bodies for a long time - still got the F3 but I no longer enjoy developing film.
It's rapidly becoming clear that the reason communism in Russia failed is nothing to do with the US bankrupting the USSR via the SDI race, but in fact because we stopped buying Zenit cameras in the UK. I mean, so many of us in here had Zenit as our first SLR in the 70s and early 80s, it's quite incredible...

quite true and those of us who started out with the tank of a slr that gave you shell shock every time you took a shot with it have the russians to thank for being here (y)
Shame 110 film is so difficult to get these days (although hopefully not in a year or so when Adox finally release their long delayed film)

The viewfinder of the teeny Pentax puts most APS-C viewfinders to shame. Bright, large, split screen and very easy to focus due to the obviously very short throw of those small lenses. They are wonderfully crafted things. This is definitely reflected in the second hand prices - most cameras for dead formats end up being worth virtually nothing, but Auto 110 prices are still relatively strong.
I still have mine!!!! :D

Here it is...


It's a Kodak 36 Instamatic.

I think I got it when I was 10 and I think it was £5 from Boots :D I still have it and and it's flash attachment and both are in perfect as new condition :D

Mine too! or something very similar around second half of the seventies 70's? :)

First "proper" camera was a Topcon RM300 which I paid £60 for in about 1980/81. Had TTL metering and three LED's top red middle green and bottom red, much better than all my mates Zenith's but then what do you expect for £35! :D
The viewfinder of the teeny Pentax puts most APS-C viewfinders to shame. Bright, large, split screen and very easy to focus due to the obviously very short throw of those small lenses. They are wonderfully crafted things. This is definitely reflected in the second hand prices - most cameras for dead formats end up being worth virtually nothing, but Auto 110 prices are still relatively strong.

Tell me about it - I got my Auto 110 with the 18mm, 24mm and 50mm lenses for just £40 + postage, and that was cheap! Previous similar sets that I had bid on went for a minimum of £65 upward. I added on a winder for just £6 and have so far resisted spending a lot of cash on the rare 70mm or 20 - 40mm lenses (Nearly for a year now, it won't last much longer if I see either of them going cheap!) I have got a frozen roll of 110 24 exposure Fuji Super G Plus 200 which expired in about 2000 that I am saving for an occasion of some description.

And yes, the viewfinder is wonderfully large and bright, plus the spit screen makes focusing so easy!
I have got a frozen roll of 110 24 exposure Fuji Super G Plus 200 which expired in about 2000 that I am saving for an occasion of some description.

There's a few guide pages on the web about spooling B&W film into old 110 cartridges, but I don't have a film splicer and I'm not sure I'd want to sacrifice a roll of 35mm for it. Additionally, you'd need a 110 developing reel which I don't have access to.
I've seen those pages and are requesting all the cartridges and backing paper from the 110 film every time I send one off to be developed. I'm actually considering whether cutting down 120 film might be a better bet as a 24 exposure 110 film is nowhere near as long as a 35mm roll. Plus I could get 3 strips out of each 120 roll compared to 1 from 35mm (EDIT - just found out 120 film is about 20 cm too short, damn!). Not until I get access to a darkroom though, be near impossible to do in a changing bag.

Now wheres that Portra 400 gone...
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Kodak Instamatic 110.
I remember waiting outside Boots many a day for the photos to come back, and the smell of those clip on flash units.
theres been a lot of talk about zenith's in this thread
anyone watch whitechapel and notice that the pathologist assistant has been using a zenith.
Polaroid when I was 9
Some AP-S film camera when I was 20
Canon EOS 300 (had it a week and then returned and upgraded to..)
Canon EOS 30 (with eye control) I still have this.
Nikon 2mp coolpix something - terrible camera. An LCD that cannot be used in the dark for 1 thing!
Canon A60 This is the camera where i took most of my shots from and what gave me the freedom to shoot and not worry about cost. It has Av and M setting so I just experimented
Canon S70 - Just a step up from the A60 as that had died.
Canon EOS 30D
Canon EOS 5Dii x 2
theres been a lot of talk about zenith's in this thread
anyone watch whitechapel and notice that the pathologist assistant has been using a zenith.

Yeah, every episode I look out for the Zenit(h) :)

Have to admit that I do find it fun trying to identify the photographic equipment in dramas - some right strange set-ups!
...Canon A60 This is the camera where i took most of my shots from and what gave me the freedom to shoot and not worry about cost. It has Av and M setting so I just experimented
Canon S70 - Just a step up from the A60 as that had died...

I had a Canon Powershot S60 and my brother had the S70 - brilliant little cameras. Mine had been dropped onto brick and got really battered but still worked well. A great performer with a lot of spec and features. In the end the sensor failed - I understand that this happened to quite a few of them on account of a dodgy batch of sensors - but it was old and very battered :crying:

I'd say that the S60 was my first 'proper' digital camera. If they still made them today I would buy one.
It's rapidly becoming clear that the reason communism in Russia failed is nothing to do with the US bankrupting the USSR via the SDI race, but in fact because we stopped buying Zenit cameras in the UK. I mean, so many of us in here had Zenit as our first SLR in the 70s and early 80s, it's quite incredible...

I think the reason we bought them in such numbers was down to price.
I was 13 when i bought the Zenit B. As a schoolboy there was no way that i could afford any other make of SLR. Clunky and heavy as they were, they were a very good way to get a good grounding in photography and in a lot of cases the only affordable way to get an SLR. M42 thread also got you access to the largest selection of lenses available at the time.
The first camera I can remember having was a Pentax K1000, which was when I was studying photography (11-12 years ago). Served me well through my A-Levels, I miss using a dark room!

When digital cameras started to become popular I moved onto compact cameras, went through various Olympus and Nikons over the years.

Really got back into photography when I purchased a Canon 450D shortly after their release. Upgraded to a Canon 7D last year, best move I have ever made, incredible camera.
First camera was a Minolta 5000, the little brother of the famous 7000 (first ever autofocus SLR!). I had a Saturday job in Dixons, and they got in a few boxed kits with the camera and a Sigma zoom lens. They sold out pretty quickly, and I hid one in the stock room until I could afford it :)

My line-up of cameras:

Minolta 5000 (1988)
Nikon F-801s (1994)
Nikon F-90X (2003)
Canon 5D (my first digital SLR, 2008)
Canon 5D mk II (2009)

..and the next entry will most likely be...

Canon 5D mk III (2012) :nuts:

Olympus Trip, follwed by a Trip 35 MD3 which was nowhere near as good.

First digital camera was a Ricoh Caplio RR30, and first SLR was Olympus E520
Mine was an underwater disposable film camera. i loved it so much i kept on taking pictures after the film went :)
My first was a Konica pop super

Then got to play with my Dads praktica mtl 5B

First digital was the size of a house brick and produced 480x640 images back in 1997
cut my teeth on a zenit E then bought a Canon AE1 whilst serving in the royal navy way back in 1979 in singapore, sure i omly payed £29 for it
My own first camera was a instamatic as well. I think it was a 110 (top cover folded over and became a handle).

I then got very spoilt as I had a friend who ran his own repair/sales shop, I bitterly regret not keeping some of the cameras I got from him (I got them super cheap and just ended up giving them back to him in trade when I got tired of them) and had some really iconic models, I can remember having an Nikon F Photomic, F2, Nikonos V, and F3HP, Olympus OM1, 2, 2SP, 4, Canon Ftb, A1, F1, Pentax MX, MG, LX, (mostly all manual gear as he specialised in repairing manual gear). This was all in the space of 12-18 months and then the AF bug bit and I couldn't be bothered with the old gear (which to my young and foolish mind just seemed like cheap junk :wacky: ).

Don't think I paid more than £50 for any of them either....
Brownie 127 that had a chip in the body, patched - not very successfully - with black insulating tape. TBH I don't remember much more about it, I was probably about 8 or 9, so that was nearly 50 years ago. There have been a few cameras since then, but the only 'golden oldies' I've kept are an F2 and an FM that I bought in the late 70s. I do have digital kit now, but the Nikons are still my favourites.