What will you buy this year?

I've been watching this site from the shadows for ages; this is my first post!!!!
And most appropriate, since my old 35mm A1 gave up the ghost many years ago, I've worked my way slowly through various G3, 4, 9 & 10's.
However this weekend I've just splashed out and bought a 7d. (It's my 50th birthday treat)!!!!!!!:)
No lens as yet, still thinking, but it will almost certainly be a 17-55mm. I'll pick one up soon.
Meanwhile all I can do is read the manual and look at the camera body!!!!!

Happy Birthday. That is a very nice treat.
Must be killing you not being able to use it!

This year, I hope to get a Tamron 17-50 f2.8 VC, and maybe some ND grad filters but not sure if I will get the use from them.
Might buy some more lighting kit as well.
It would be good to have a Poll on where people shop, i doubt this would help keep Jessops in business and i suspect like myself most people will 'buy online' from reputable cheaper companies.
I've just ordered the 70-200 vr 2 ;) so that's this years budget blown - unless Nikon introduce some more juicy fast primes, then my credit card will cry
I'm looking to get a Nikon D90 plus some lenses (18-200 mm walkabout lens, 60 mm Macro, 50 f1.8) by the end of the year, but I need to convince the misses first and buy a house :shake: so unfortunately unless I earn loads of bonus it'll have to wait until next year.
Spent a load last year and this year I've spent spent some large sums on new windows, boiler and kitchen. But I'm hoping to get a Canon 130mm f2 L :)
I've wanted to try a 1 series body for now, but am still v happy with my 40d, however I might try and pick up a 1DMKI at some point, I've hankered after one for a while....or maybe a 200mm 2.8 however they'll both have to wait a while now...
Nowt more than £20 planned, but if I feel the urge I'll read this again, first. ;)

Why did I have to read that :(

A new tripod and ball head since my 785B is starting to struggle, most likely the 190XPROB and 464RC2 something or other.

I'd also like to get the Tokina 116 before I go my travels this year along with a 10 stop B+W and a nice polarizing filter.
I need a new backpack, probably the Kata 3n1 30. I also want to get a 10D and convert it for IR shots.

That's pretty much it. I love my 3 lens lineup, and for the type of photography I do I don't need too many accessories. Tbh if I was being honest I would probably sell the 17-50 for the non VC version to free up some cash for the 10D. I simply don't think I need the stabilisation.
I just bought Pentax DA* 16-50mm f/2.8 today and I'm thinking of buying Sigma 100-300mm F4 DG EX IF lens later this year...that is if I can find one somewhere.
After seeing some of the gear posted on Wheels' thread, I'll probably be adding an 8" 1080HD Lilliput screen & battery to my list for video work with the D300s. :)
Nothing really for me this year unless Nikon do a sneaky one and bring out the D4! My money is all going on trips this year, Texel in Feb, Paris in March (didn't take the camera here though), Croatia in June, hopefully Hawaii in Sept and I've just booked Yellowstone for next Jan with an eye to getting some lovely winter wildlife shots.

Figured as there was no kit to buy I should actually start taking the kit I do have on some more adventures to get the most out of it!!! lol
Since I just came into a bit of extra cash, I thought I might splash out on a D3s when they're finally in stock...:eek:

Jus' kidding!
All my spare cash goes on my Red Squirrel project.
I would like maybe a 300f2.8 with a 1.7 conv. though. That should just about be enough for the Roe deer.
Might splash out on the new version of Photoshop whilst my daughter is still a student and maybe a new PC monitor

There again something urgent is bound to come up which uses any spare cash.
My list is

1.Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 VR II, very unlikely :crying:
2.2 more SB-900,s, maybe a chance of one :D
3.2 Lencarta smart flashes for my background, highly likely :D
4.some more studio peripherals kit, also very likely
So what definite plans do you have for equipment for this year?

No definite plans. I plan to buy a house though, if I can sell this one.

If I have money left over the possibility of an A900 and Zeiss 135/1.8 opens up
Just bought a Canon EF 17-40 f/4 L USM from Kerso! I'm not expecting to buy other big items for a long time yet. The only other things I'll be buying this year will be stuff like filters, spare batteries, and maybe another light stand...although I do quite fancy an iMac :D
Some new batteries for the 1Ds...

I am toying with the idea of either a 70-200 f/4 L (tried one today, nice piece of kit) or a 135 f/2 L.

I also need a flashgun.
I am just putting an order together for an off camera flash set up which I hope will get me going with portrait work, I need to really think about investing in some faster lenses and possibly a more robust body (50D perhaps). I need to either get a new job or make some money from photography to fund all this LOL
Well I am thinking about the 24-70L to marry upto my 5D MK1 I got just before christmas.

Other than that there really isnt a lot more I want/need. Apart from huge glass like a 500 or 600 F4 which will take a while to save up for.
Either the 50-500 siggy or the 150-500 siggy

Got my ideal kit over the last few years and did some trimming.

Last year was a 5d2, and some lenses.

This year I'm skint so I got a Tokina 100mm f2.8 Macro, and some studio lighting.

Just after a flash meter and some bits'n'bobs now and to finaly get my house decorated after all I've only been here 19 years LOL.
Well this year I've bought

Lowepro Fastpack 350
Nikon D200
Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 D
4GB CF Card.
So far this year I have bought :

24-70mm L f/2.8
70-200mm L f/2.8 IS
100-400mm L f/4.5-5.6
100mm L IS Macro
580EX Flash
and a camera bag to keep it all in.

Don't think I'll be buying much more this year, although a 17-40mm L would be nice. ;)