What's The Best Way ????

Edit My Images

HRH Tree by patwildblood, on Flickr

Prince Charles planted a tree last year for the Queens Jubilee at the local golf club. I'd like to send him a picture of the thriving tree and plaque that we've put in.

Any tips regarding composition please. It's quite difficult to get the plaque readable and all of the tree in the one shot. I took this very wide, prone, on damp grass. I could possibly get the stake removed.

Would I be better taking two images and merging them ?

Any tips appreciated.
Id be tempted to just have them as 2 separate images, One nice close up of the plaque, maybe looking up at the tree with a fairly shallow aperture so only the words are readable, and one of the tree with the lovely background there is.

It just looks like you've tried to get both and not done either fantastically. Having said that it still does look nice and the blue sky really makes it :)

Jack (y)
I appreciate what you're saying. I've got two points of interest in the image and neither of them have been captured very well.

I'll maybe get one of the plaque with a shallow DOF and a nice wide shot of the tree with the hills in the background.

Next question, how would you put them together ? Does anyone have any examples of a close-up added to wide/landscape image please ?
Not sure which way the sun is going but try and wait until its lighting up the tree/plaque - your photo is limited from the angle that the sun is at I reckon.
Also, is it possible to take some small ladders (Steps) and get higher up/further back and zoom in - may give a better perspective?
Pat, I'd be tempted to totally rethink the shot.

You say you want show how the tree is coming on, you'll therefore need something that gives it perspective.
If Charles has not seen the plaque before he cannot use this. I suggest adding a golf bag on a trolley in to the picture to help identify the size of the tree.
This helps identify things with the golf course, helps with composition and added interest in the shot and helps identify the size of the tree

As noted above, does the sun come in at a better angle to light up the front?
If not try popping the flash as some fill flash or use a reflector; as it stands the plaque and the tree trunk are in shade and dull.

If you want to show the plaque, perhaps take a picture just of the plaque and then added it to one of the corners of the main image with a simple white border around it.

Hope it helps
Thanks for the advice and suggestions everyone.

At dawn, the sun would be coming up over my left shoulder. The image above was shot late-ish last Friday night. Sunrise up here at the moment is 4.27am which will make it an early start.

Hadn't thought of props Neil, I may well have a look at that and I can also get my mitts on a set steps.

Any improvements will be posted.

Any further tips appreciated.
Next question, how would you put them together ? Does anyone have any examples of a close-up added to wide/landscape image please ?

When i say put them together i literally mean next to each other just in one file :)

Maybe you could do a landscape covering the bottom half and then split the top half into 2, one for the plaque and one for the blossom? If you posted up the images you take id be happy to have a look at compiling them into a little collection

Jack (y)
H, first thing that struck me was the perspective. I'm not keen on the angle, specifically how the tree seems to recede into the sky IYSWIM?

11mm, I might try a longer focal length. If you have external light to light up the plaque. Or perhaps merge two photographs. You could also have a few club members to give it some sense of scale, maybe a few senior and junior members.
