Where have you been thrown out of?

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Last night I was asked to leave a train station by security staff. That's the first time I've been thrown out of anywhere as a photographer, but probaly not the last! I feel I'm making progress as a photographer :LOL:

I thought it might be amusing for people to share their stories of getting chucked out of places, security guard dodging and general experiences in places you shouldn't have been or shouldn't have had a camera.

I hope this doesn't turn in to a 'society is paranoid' or 'security guards are idiots' type thread
I visited Moscow around 10 years ago, and got told to "pack it in" by a security bod when I took a couple of snaps in a department store from a balcony.

I didn't get thrown out mind you, just asked to stop taking pics!

I'm actually looking forward to getting hassled in a public place by a security guard or PCSO. Knowing that they don't have a leg to stand on, legally speaking, and seeing how long they hold out until they give up :D

Society is paranoid
Security guards are idiots

:p But that's besides the point heheh

I've had problems on the garison I live on. They got a bit nervous about people taking pictures around here, it's the home of british tanks etc and last year some Russians got busted taking pictures at a nearby camp. I don't blame them really, I wear the old camo pyjamas myself, so it's understandable in this day and age how security has to be top priority.

I still don't get how you got chucked out of a train station :runaway:
never been asked to stop but i have had police come over and ask waht a group of 5 of us with cameras all pointed in different directions were doing?

i really didnt think a sarcastic comment at that point would of helped!
I got banned from Doncaster! but it was nothing to do with photography. :nuts:

I'l' come back with a togging one shortly no doubt, in the mean time the first that came to mind was a TP meet a few months ago when our Fraggle asked some lads if he could take their photos, they replied aggressively with "whats it worth mate", to which he replied, "well I fight you all for it if you want!" ....that shut them up. :LOL:

Sorry not on topic. :exit:
A maths lesson, Ok really bad time to be taking a photo, but... just but.
I still don't get how you got chucked out of a train station :runaway:

Apparantly you need prior permission to use a camera! What's really frustrating is, after a fortnight of waiting, I got an email granting it this morning. That would have been useful a day ago :LOL:
Got politely asked to leave Marlowes shopping Centre in Hemel Hempstead a couple of weeks back. I wouldn't mind but the centre manager was such an ass. I politely explained that there were no signs up saying 'no photos' and also pointed out somebody taking a photo with a camera phone. Just met with a blank expression and being told that it 'might be bad for publicity!'


place was a dung-hole anyway.
Nowhere yet, but I'm working on it ;)
I have no story as yet although I am flying from Gatwick to manchester with my DSLR as hand luggage week friday. I think :thinking: I may just keep it in the bag though, not worth the hassle...........
Didnt' get caught but I've got nice snaps in the following places that I shouldn't have been snapping:

Sistine Chapel, Italy
Valley of the Kings Tombs, Egypt
Club Tropicana, Cuba (and the drinks were free!)
Area 51 Transport Planes, USA
UN DMZ Nicosia, Cyprus
Many many more....

The one I probably bricked myself about was the valley of the kings. Saw one of the egyptian guards confiscate someblokes D80, delete his pictures then wouldn't give it back until he was bribed! Didn't think a lecture on basic civil liberty was going to have any effect on that guy! lol.
Drayton Manor Park

Just prior to this seasons opening, I wanted a few shots free from the crowds and so wandered in. I was soon told to leave by the manager as they had a new ride that they wanted to keep a big secret .... Thomas the Tank !!!
My dad got thrown out of the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria about 20 odd years ago (in the middle of the Cold War). He had a camera around his neck and thought this building was a hotel and was just popping in for a pee, only when he literally came flying out of the door after being tossed out by a burly geezer in military looking regalia we noticed the hammer and sickle flag fluttering over the 'Hotel'


I was threatened by Security on the foreshore between the Steel Works at Port Talbot and the beach. No fence, no obvious demarcation between private and public land. This was in 1995!

I was told "It is British Steel Policy to confiscate the film of any photographer found on its property" and that the police had been called. I refused to hand over any film and refused to give him my name or address. I said when the police arrived I'd give them my details, but they never did.

After a while I walked back down on to the beach and carried on taking pictures. After a drenching by rain I walked back towards the public footpath, where Security was waiting. Gulp! But he'd had a change of heart and gave me a lift back to my car.:)
I had some shop manager run over to me shouting "no photographs" over and over again outside Victoria Secrets Beauty department store in Beverly Hills.

I was taking a picture of the wife, maybe they thought she was a celeb? :D
I was asked to leave the area around the Gerkin in London as its private property and anyone with a camera looks a little iffy, or was it the long rain coat and suspenders (whoops wrong forum)

I was also given a police escort (although they were behind me) out of Heathrow Airport, for being in a restricted area, after going through the stop and search procedure.

Hereford cathederal |Monday last, never even took a frame my camera was just hanging on my shoulder, some impolite bod said "no pictures".

When i asked for a reason he barked at me "can't you read the sign at the main door". Rather than argue the point I left the building.:wave:

I have lived in Hereford for 54 years, and NO I did not leave a donation on my way out.

I wonder if the same rules apply at a mosque or synagogue, or any other faith house of worship.

Funny thing is when Hereford cathederal hosts the Three Choirs Festival it is filmed by several media company's, then broadcast to the world at large and released for sale on dvd.:LOL:

Strange times we live in.:wacky:
The Oracle shopping centre in Reading. Apparently I couldn't take photos there because the buildings had copyright! Seriously! :wacky:
Not been thrown out, but was thrown in jail in Hull once a long time ago. There's not a chance in hell that I'm going to tell anybody what I was photographing though. I got away with the negs too (y)
Last weekend I got told off for dropping my tripod down at the Arc De Triomphe by the French Police, she asked if I was professional, I said no and then got told to pack it away. Will try saying yes next time though I suspect she would have said move on for that aswell.
I wonder if the same rules apply at a mosque or synagogue, or any other faith house of worship.

Not in the Mosque in my village, the Imam is quite happy to pose for me too. He couldn't find the keys to the minaret otherwise I could have taken some from the top of that too. He's a real gentleman.
Not in the Mosque in my village, the Imam is quite happy to pose for me too. He couldn't find the keys to the minaret otherwise I could have taken some from the top of that too. He's a real gentleman.

On the same trip to Egypt we went in the Mohammad Ali mosque in Cairo and they were pleased as punch for us to be taking pics, the guards even got out of the way rather than spoil ours shots. Goes to show the difference.....
I was taking photos in St David's cathedral last Monday when it was pointed out to me that they ask for a donation of £1.50 from photographers. I was asked politely and at no point was money demanded. I gave them a fiver and spent a happy hour snapping away.
If more places were like that the world would be a better place.

Not been kicked out, but went to Exeter Cathedral. They charge entry, but provide a sticker showing you have been authorised for photography...
Not so much thrown out, but I was refused entry to a small festival on Monday and was told that if I wanted to bring my camera in, i'd have to have a press pass. I argued my case for all of 2 minutes then left it in the car. Was pretty gutting to see people with point and shoots and even home video cameras recording the artists when I finally got it.
On the same trip to Egypt we went in the Mohammad Ali mosque in Cairo and they were pleased as punch for us to be taking pics, the guards even got out of the way rather than spoil ours shots. Goes to show the difference.....

Pun intended?
Been asked to bugger off by some suit at Milton Keynes shopping centre. Was taking pictures of the newish area and some head of security came up asking for a permit.. I said well I dont have one so she asked us to leave the property. Funny as she was more concerned about us taking photos of the outside of the building, and a lorry had just reversed over a large metal bollard and pulled it out of the ground.

Regards, James
I was taking photos in St David's cathedral last Monday when it was pointed out to me that they ask for a donation of £1.50 from photographers. I was asked politely and at no point was money demanded. I gave them a fiver and spent a happy hour snapping away.
If more places were like that the world would be a better place.


I would be more than happy giving a donation like a fiver to have the privilege to snap away especially if the money goes towards keeping old places restored.

Never been chucked out of anywhere.......yet, though I do mostly landscapes.
Nothing to do with photography but I was arrested by the anti-terror police in Paris many moons ago and thrown out of France. :LOL:

Maybe they thought I was Hacker the terrorist, leader of the Cornish separatist movement, more commonly known as the Ooh-Aargh-Ay.
Stopped by police in an off-the-beaten-track 'street' in Venice.

I hardly speak a word of Italian, and them no English, but they pointed at the camera, so all I could think to do was show them the preview of all the pics on the card. They then let our group carry on our merry way!

As we were in a residential area, maybe someone of some importance lived nearby :shrug: