Which Camera? Canon 700D?

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My boyfriend is thinking of getting into photography, which is excellent and he's wanting to get a DSLR.
He isn't really set on any make, though myself I've always preferred Canon and that's what I own. I am going to
let him use my cameras at the weekend as he hasn't before, to let him see what they're like etc. I like to ask
on here before any purchase, because even though I've been into photography for years I'm no expert and I
know that people on here know much more than I do, so here I am.

He was thinking about getting the Canon 700D, would this be a good one to get? I know it's not all about the
camera, but I want to recommend the best in that kind of price range to him. He wants the camera for taking general
pictures, as well as action shots and also he wants to do videos of his working dogs as well and I've read that the 700D
is meant to be quite good at video as well and I do like the swivel screen too.

Any opinions would be useful.

Thank you in advance.
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I had a 600D and now have a 70D.

I think that the 700D would be a good choice - What lenses do you have?
Yeah seems like a decent beginners camera. Myself I have a 70d.
Good camera. Of course it has its limitations but most people take a while to hit them, unless their photography interests are quite specialised.

Good idea to go for the brand you use too, especially if he's a potential keeper, as you'll be able to help him more easily and share equipment.
A good starting point and if you are both canon then you can share lenses. But do let him try other makes as he might prefer one of those