Which Crop?


<span class="poty">POTY (Joint) 2016</span>
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Some of you may have seen these (well, not this one in particular, but images from the series) before... As a thank you for the parents for letting me use Maisie, I wanted to get one of these photos of I did of her mounted and framed. I've decided on what one I want, now just can't decide on the crop. My husband says .... 'duh, I dunno'... which isn't really helpful lol... I think I'm leaning towards number two, but I'm really getting fond of these square crops now too...

Help? And thanks in advance! :)

Maisie by BethBotterill, on Flickr

Maisie by BethBotterill, on Flickr
I usually can't my mind up on anything :thinking:

But on this one I feel the square is without doubt my choice as it brings you in more where the other one makes my eyes wander all around the main subject but also the negative space. But hey that's just my opinion & you have a stunning pair of crops either of which would look splendid mounted & framed (y)
Tough call Beth.
Both have their benefits.

For me though I would go with the second crop.
The empty space left and right for me adds to the sense of solitude and at one with her own thoughts.
So now Bethy what will happen it will be 50/50 then it will be down to the toss of a coin - or ask the model - or ask her Mum :LOL:
So if it is 50/50 you're still onto a winner :) Both are lovely in their own way. My take is that the first draws you in, feels intimate, agree with Stuart the second gives a feel of solitude. Both are charming. IF I was forced to make a call it would be #1 ............ I think ;).
Hmmm... I think, if the end result is to have a few framed pictures on a wall, then the square crop would be good. If it is a single picture, then perhaps the landscape crop would be better?

The 2nd one would be great on a big canvas mounted as a feature!
I agree with reasonings in both posts above but ...

......for what it's worth - and I'd hate to be casting the 'winning ' vote - I 'd go for the square crop.

But both are really very good.
Personally I prefer the square crop, but I don't really think it matters which one you give as they are both lovely.

Why don't you give both of them to the parents, then you don't have to make the decision :)
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Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your input. I must admit, I've matted up and frame a few squares now and they really stand out in a room as they are away from your traditional crop ratios... But I do quite like seeing the texture on the images as well, and you lose some of that with the smaller square. ARGH! I suppose it comes down to what feeling I'm trying to portray with this... which is a solitude moment...
OOooh, it's a great shot with either crop. I think if it were being printed, the square would look excellent.
Hi Beth, I think there is for and against with either shot. If I had to choose though I would go for the square crop but both are excellent.
i would say the first as it cuts out not too necessary garment and body/background info
comparing of course helps but even the second if shown on its own would be creditable
both show a good sense of catching persona and projecting mood
Thanks peeps... I think I'm going with.... with.... number 2.. I think.... yea, number 2... with a nice thick matt and a big frame. :)
Thanks peeps... I think I'm going with.... with.... number 2.. I think.... yea, number 2... with a nice thick matt and a big frame. :)

How dare you ignore the experts advice -ME :p

Both terrific though (y)
Good choice...#2 for me, all of the intimacy of #1 and more to experience.