Which one?


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I have a series of shots from sunrise in Dorset, i have a couple of fav's but cant decide on which to get printed.. :thinking:

Which one do you guys prefer.. and WHY??? :D




Yeah same for me, No.2 is the more natural looking (y)
First for me, more comfortable with the comp and prefer the darker rocks/ peninsula. Plus dusk pics should have an awesome sky the second sky is only partly awesome :)
Definately number 2 for me!
I actually prefer number 1, I like the way the sky colour is reflected in the sea and find the composition more pleasing! However, both are great shots.
#2 for me. I prefer the greater range of colours in the sky and the fact there is more detail.
Both exellent shots Tony, but #2 has a better range of colours and detail. Rob
Number one all the way for me love the colours through the image.

Its a hanger...

Number two for me as well... The first one looks a little too warm for my tastes. I'd have liked to see a little more detail in the cliffs in the distance but I appreciate the fact that it may introduce more noise than you'd be happy with.

Number 1 for me , providing the printers machine does not try and correct the colour cast (y)
Number 2 here. I prefer the detail in the rocks as previously mentioned and the contrast between the cool and warm tones whilst the first only has the warm tones.
Both very pleasing and would make a great canvas. If I had to choose, no1 erm !!! on second thoughts..... eeerrrm !!! Same as you Fraggle, I cant make my mind up either they are both good shots it depends where your going to show them I suppose.
Definitely no. 2. Love the coolness of the blue being warmed by those lovely red tones of the sunrise. The red (1st ones) is a bit too duo tone in comparison. Both great shots though but 2 is the winner (y)
Number one for me.

The colours work better for me, both great shots but certainly number 1 for me.
Thanks for the input guys.. i think im going to work on getting the best of both.. i like the first because of the rich colours in the sky, but feel the rocks let the image down quite badly.. the second is better but lacks the vibrancy, although i like it for the different colour temps in the sky..
If it was my wall Tony it would be no 1 - much warmer to view and the more defined silhouettes gives it more impact.
A resounding No2 then!

I do like it.. but feel its a little cold, but then i only look at it when its next to others in the set! not the best i suppose! i think i'll open it in LR and black out everything else and walk away for 5 mins.. then see what i think..

Thanks for the input everyone..
I take it one of these is getting printed to put on a wall? If so (interior designer mode), where's it going? The first one is definately has a warmer feel, which would be great in a bedroom, lounge etc cosy spaces. If its going in a hallway, kitchen, office then the second as its cooler (colours), more vibrant, etc

Dunno if that makes any sense? :p

If its just going in the album, ignore the above lol.
(I like both and im sure either would look great wherever). :D
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I take it one of these is getting printed to put on a wall? If so (interior designer mode), where's it going? The first one is definately has a warmer feel, which would be great in a bedroom, lounge etc cosy spaces. If its going in a hallway, kitchen, office then the second as its cooler (colours), more vibrant, etc

Dunno if that makes any sense? :p

If its just going in the album, ignore the above lol.
(I like both and im sure either would look great wherever). :D

Makes a lot of sense.. it'll be for the living room, although i coulf use one for the hallway too.. so i wouldnt need to choose which one to ditch! lol..

Thanks for the help everyone... (y)
No1 for me. Second one shows more detail in the rock but still not enough hence looks underexposed by mistake. No 1 looks like intentionally exposed for sky...if you know what I mean :)
No2 certainly seems to be the odds on fav.. but i like what was said about wheather its being hung in a hall or living room.. they both have merit and it'd be wrong for me to choose a winner! ;)