Whitehaven West Pier

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Here is a study of the Wset Pier Light in Whitehaven.

A couple of mono reflections

The harbour light reflection 1 by Alf Branch, on Flickr

The harbour light reflection 2 by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Now to go inside which is not usualy possible but vandals have broken the the steel door.

The harbour light door by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Just inside the door

Inside the harbour light 2 by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Just below the light

Inside the harbour light 1 by Alf Branch, on Flickr

Looking up at the light

Inside the harbour light 3 by Alf Branch, on Flickr

What do you think?
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The first feels too bottom-heavy at first sight, but seeing the rest of the set I think the dark foreground works well.

The Costa cup seems out of place in the 4th. Favourite is the last image, with a real sense of being inside the tower. I'd have been wanting to capture the textures and streaks of colour on the walls too, just as individual images. :)
The first feels too bottom-heavy at first sight, but seeing the rest of the set I think the dark foreground works well.

The Costa cup seems out of place in the 4th. Favourite is the last image, with a real sense of being inside the tower. I'd have been wanting to capture the textures and streaks of colour on the walls too, just as individual images. :)

Thanks Toni
I did consider cloning the cup out. I was with the wife so did not have the time I would have like to spend on location when I went in.