Who says spiders are scary?

WOW!! That's brilliant!

What's the story behind this shot, please?
WOW!! That's brilliant!

What's the story behind this shot, please?


I've recently changed from using a ring flash adapter, to a octo softbox for lighting my macros. I'm not 100% used to it yet, and occasionally I forget that
I'm not getting the same angle of light, and end up casting shadows over the subject, amateurishly. :bang: :LOL:

This crab spider was on the bottom of a rudbeckia flower, and while I tried to get into a position to shoot, it took up this defensive posture so I just snapped where I was. The angle I shot at meant the flash just caught it like this. It reminded me of telling campfire horror stories and using a torch under your chin to look spooky.

A bit of playing around in Lightroom to flip the image, up the contrast and deepen the shadows, and this was the result.

It doesn't hurt that the spiders eyes end up looking like a face either.
The face looks like an alien's - Very ET.

I nearly wrote it looks like a crab and didn't know this spider species.

Personally I think it's far more satisfying to grab a shot like this naturally than to construct it in post editing/processing.
The red light in the upper corner is great and I'd like to have seen that just a wee bit stronger but I still like this shot as is.
Really nice lighting, as you say very campfire spooky
Very nice, just don't get it framed and hung up in your Living Room!!
Yep, spiders are scary! Great shot, now all I've got to do is forget it before bed:):)
That's excellent, Mark :clap: