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So, after taking the night to chill out and calm the 'F' down about the football, ive had this question floating around my head.

Why is it, that a lot of non football fans (not just those on here), find it funny that England have done so poorly, like they take actual 'pleasure' in how badly we have performed?

I appreciate that not everyone likes football, and thats fair enough (each to their own and all that), but I find the real venom ive seen aimed at players representing our country is really uncalled for. I dont like Cricket, and personally, I cannot think of anything more boring than a 5 day Ashes Test, but I have never taken pleasure in England getting well and truly thrashed. I also find Rugby (both codes) extremely boring, but ive never been 'happy' when ive heard about England losing. Is it the money thats in the game now, that makes people dislike these players? If I got called into a meeting at work, and was told that Sky wanted to start filming me and my colleagues and show us doing our work 'Live & Exclusive', which means that there is a massive tv money deal increasing my salary to 80k per week, im not going to turn it down, and neither would anyone else, if they are honest about it. So, im not sure that the players them selves can be blamed for that necessarily.

This is a genuine question, and id be happy to hear your views.


Personally, I'd watch Chess if the English were getting beat. I had a ball (no pun intended) during the Ashes last winter and this World Cup has been sublime.

It's a cultural thing up here that we just love seeing the English get beat at anything. It's the way we're brought up and apart from Rangers supporters:rolleyes: just about every body likes to see the English fail.

I think the fact that every time your football team go into a competition we get 1966 rammed down our throats and it's wearing a bit thin along with the arrogance of the perceiced right to be classed amongst the best in the world, which you clearly are not!!. I blame your press as they continually build you up and then take great delight in publicly humiliating you when it inevitably goes pear shaped.

I have many English friends so I'm not anti English per se but do love to see you get egg on yer faces.

Up Costa Rica:D
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I actually quite like football, don't know that much about it though, and I find it quite funny.

For me it's partly the hugely salaried individuals failing to perform at the highest level, but also the inevitability.

England always seem to go into a particular mindset, completely different to that of the Premiership. Different managers bring different things to the team, but the mindset remains.

I heard Hodgson talking the other day about needing to play solid in defence and not getting carried away, or words to that effect. I knew there and then that England would lose.

It seems they are stifled by expectations.
Personally, I'd watch Chess if the English were getting beat. I had a ball (no pun intended) during the Ashes last winter and this World Cup has been sublime.

It's a cultural thing up here that we just love seeing the English get beat at anything. It's the way we're brought up and apart from Rangers supporters:rolleyes: just about every body likes to see the English fail.

I think the fact that every time your football team go into a competition we get 1966 rammed down our throats and it's wearing a bit thin along with the arrogance of the perceiced right to be classed amongst the best in the world, which you clearly are not!!. I blame your press as they continually build you up and then take great delight in publicly humiliating you when it inevitably goes pear shaped.

I have many English friends so I'm not anti English per se but do love to see you get egg on yer faces.

Up Costa Rica:D

And that is fair enough, I can understand it from your point of view. Its not just about our 'friends' North of the border though. English people laughing and taking pleasure from an English team failing is what i dont get.

Agree 100% with regards to the press here though.
And that is fair enough, I can understand it from your point of view. Its not just about our 'friends' North of the border though. English people laughing and taking pleasure from an English team failing is what i dont get.

Agree 100% with regards to the press here though.

I dunno why yer own supporters should be like that. Don't make sense. I've been a member of the Tartan Army for many years now and have seen more disappointments than successes but I'd never turn on the team the way your lot do.
This is the bit that I find confusing. Weve done so badly for so many years that im surprised that there is any expectation in the first place.

As I said, it's the perceived right of expecting to be amonst the best when you are not and don't have that right!!
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I think Brash got it right about the press.

I have. Just look at the sarcasm laden front page of the Sun today (I just saw it on some daytime TV prog).
As I said, it's the perceived right of expecting to be amonst the best when you are not and don't have that right!!

Well if people within the game are happy to be put on these pedestals, nothing will ever change.
I am one of those would be rangers fans that Brash aludes to, if I watch football.

Part of me wants them to do well (as I am British and they are representing part of Britain), another wants me to see them knocked out so there is less silliness on the TV/radio.The hype and garbage surrounding football is unavoidable particularly about England and the world cup. Lets see them out and a reality check put in place.

Personally, like the canine species, alcoholic beverages and speed limits, I'd love to see football uninvented from our times, starting with the "world cup".
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He don't like football (archaeology and Morris Dancing if I recall:rolleyes:).

Fair enough if he doesnt like football, but its a bit of a pointless post considering the question that I asked.
I personally had a chuckle last night when I saw the result.


It's always funny to me to see the "select few" take their massive wage packets and even bigger egos on to the field and get their backsides handed to them on a plate and reminded that we're absolutely useless at our 'national sport'. Big time charleys the lot of them and it humours me to see them spanked.

It rubs **** in the faces of those at the top who proclaim greatness and proves that money doesn't get you anywhere, especially when it's spent in all the wrong places.

It's also entertaining to watch (as we did with friends last night whilst we ate) the intelligencia that is the pub football supporter change opinions faster than Liz Taylor changes husbands to ultimately end up a drunken idiot sobbing in the corner over 11 blokes kicking a bag of air around.

I used to love football many years ago. Now it can't disappear up its own backside quick enough for me.
Fair enough if he doesnt like football, but its a bit of a pointless post considering the question that I asked.

You might not get it, when England play in these games the football hooligans roam the streets coming closing time shouting these silly songs, its really annoying the way they say England like Engerland...

There is a perverse pleasure seeing that lot thwarted that their precious team didn't get through. It's a bit like when the tube workers go on strike and everyone in Landan rants about what a terrible thing they've done and how it's ruined their day. How about just getting up 20mins earlier and taking the bus or walking some?
I personally had a chuckle last night when I saw the result.


It's always funny to me to see the "select few" take their massive wage packets and even bigger egos on to the field and get their backsides handed to them on a plate and reminded that we're absolutely useless at our 'national sport'. Big time charleys the lot of them and it humours me to see them spanked.

It rubs **** in the faces of those at the top who proclaim greatness and proves that money doesn't get you anywhere, especially when it's spent in all the wrong places.

It's also entertaining to watch (as we did with friends last night whilst we ate) the intelligencia that is the pub football supporter change opinions faster than Liz Taylor changes husbands to ultimately end up a drunken idiot sobbing in the corner over 11 blokes kicking a bag of air around.

I used to love football many years ago. Now it can't disappear up its own backside quick enough for me.

It doesnt surprise me that the money gets mentioned here, which is why I included it in my first post. Do you know any of these players personally? Do you know them well enough to comment on their massive egos? At the end of the day, they are sportsmen/competitors, so arrogance and ego (confidence) are needed IMO.
You might not get it, when England play in these games the football hooligans roam the streets coming closing time shouting these silly songs, its really annoying the way they say England like Engerland...

There is a perverse pleasure seeing that lot thwarted that their precious team didn't get through. It's a bit like when the tube workers go on strike and everyone in Landan rants about what a terrible thing they've done and how it's ruined their day. How about just getting up 20mins earlier and taking the bus or walking some?

Yes, because ive never seen a drunk, loud annoying Rugby fan stumbling around singing songs... :rolleyes:

What the hell have tube strikes got to do with this?
It doesnt surprise me that the money gets mentioned here, which is why I included it in my first post. Do you know any of these players personally? Do you know them well enough to comment on their massive egos? At the end of the day, they are sportsmen/competitors, so arrogance and ego (confidence) are needed IMO.

You asked the question. I answered it.
My feelings extend to rugby. I'd, guess what...like to un-invent that game.

How about Cricket? I have a friend that always goes to 1 or 2 of the Ashes Tests when they are here and has told me of times when drunk supporters have been throwing half empty plactic cups of beer around and generally causing nuisance to all those around them.

The whole thing smells a little like snobbery to me.
How about Cricket? I have a friend that always goes to 1 or 2 of the Ashes Tests when they are here and has told me of times when drunk supporters have been throwing half empty plactic cups of beer around and generally causing nuisance to all those around them.

The whole thing smells a little like snobbery to me.

Cricket, tennis, golf even doesn't generally attract the same level of boorishness and loutishness of football and rugby.

I love seeing the lager louts thwarted, 'mon costa rica. Knock 'em out so if I have to walk back from work the streets aren't full of noisy chanting football supporting boors.

See that bit in bold, thats what rankers me about football lovers. Somehow you are either a snob or a ponce if you don't like the game. Bizarre innit.
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So, after taking the night to chill out and calm the 'F' down about the football, ive had this question floating around my head.
Why is it, that a lot of non football fans (not just those on here), find it funny that England have done so poorly, like they take actual 'pleasure' in how badly we have performed?
See now I just know that was a dig at me :p
(None taken BTW :D)
I started the "is it over yet" thread, as a light hearted alternative to
all the threads I expected to be started, regarding the world cup.

Surprisingly there wasn't as many as I expected though.

However back to your main point.
I have no feelings about football (the game) either way.
I do however remember the hooligan element that was rife in the past with fans
out on the streets damaging property, themselves and the "other team supporters"
At one time its was almost like gang warfare in the States,
with the various "army's"

That's one reason I look at the up coming matches, with some trepidation.

Considering its only a game (yes really)
I do think the players are paid well in excess of their worth.

The money aside, the hero worship, demigod status etc, should be left for those
who really deserve it.
There are more unsung hero's out there, doing far more good,
than running up and down a pitch for less than a couple of hours.

Had they won, of course I wouldn't have denigrated then in anyway.
But as it was, they lost, and there was no real surprise there, I still won't.
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Cricket, tennis, golf even doesn't generally attract the same level of boorishness and loutishness of football and rugby.

I love seeing the lager louts thwarted, 'mon costa rica. Knock 'em out so if I have to walk back from work the streets aren't full of noisy chanting football supporting boors.

So basically, every non football fan takes pleasure in England losing because SOME football fans are like that. Seems very narrow minded to me.
See now I just know that was a dig at me :p
(None taken BTW :D)
I started the "is it over yet" thread, as a light hearted alternative to
all the threads I expected to be started, regarding the world cup.

Surprisingly there wasn't as many as I expected though.

However back to your main point.
I have no feelings about football (the game) either way.
I do however remember the hooligan element that was rife in the past with fans
out on the streets damaging property, themselves and the "other team supporters"
At one time its was almost like gang warfare in the States,
with the various "army's"

That's one reason I look at the up coming matches, with some trepidation.

Considering its only a game (yes really)
I do think the players are paid well in excess of their worth.

The money aside, the hero worship, demigod status etc, should be left for those
who really deserve it.
There are more unsung hero's out there, doing far more good,
than running up and down a pitch for less than a couple of hours.

Had they won, of course I wouldn't have denigrated then in anyway.
But as it was, they lost, and there was no real surprise there, I still won't.

Actually Chris, that thread was extremely tame compared to some of the other comments ive seen flying around about this. So no, no dig at you at all :)

So from what youve said, it does seem that the pleasure is taken mainly because of a**hole fans.

I 100% agree that no footballer is worth that kind of money, and they are put on false pedestals, but that is obviously the fault of the deluded fans, the press, and TV companies that are willing to pay the Premier League so much money for the rights to show the sport.
So it is the fans then? People that don't like football, dont like football because of the fans?
It's not really my cuppa as a thing to watch, but the fans and the hype with it mean my hatred of it rises more and more. You try living in Glasgow, where what school did you go to really is a hidden way of asking what team do you support, and what demonination of christianity you might well be. It gets tiresome.
In Scotland it's usually the chip on their shoulder types that have the real hatred of England and want to see them fail. Ironically they will go on about 1966 more than the English. It would be called the wee man syndrome up here.
In Scotland it's usually the chip on their shoulder types that have the real hatred of England and want to see them fail. Ironically they will go on about 1966 more than the English. It would be called the wee man syndrome up here.
Utter pish!!