Wig or Not?

John 'Jack'
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Let's say as an example, you're planning on a themed photo-shoot, which would request the model you're going to book, to have a specific hairstyle.

But supposing you've been struggling to find the right kind of model. Would it be better to keep trying, or just book someone and ask her to wear a wig?

Say as an example: You you're planning on a 1980s themed photo-shoot, and tried looking for model whose hair could be styled as a big 1980s style. Or it could be you're looking for a model with a black bob hairstyle, but could not find someone suitable.

Would you rather waste time looking and hoping there will be someone, or just ask the model to wear a wig?

Many thanks in advance.
@juggler and @VictoriaM

I already took into allowance about this, but sorry, I didn't realised I should have mentioned it in my original posting.

I don't mean cheap wigs from a fancy dress shop that's like under a tenner, the kind that people often wear for a party. I figured they don't really look realist enough.

I was thinking more of medium range priced proper wigs (like around £30 to £60 depending on length) from a cosmetics shop. Would those kind look right?

I'm trying to understand you guys, am I correct in thinking you meant it is kind of a it'll-have-to-do and better-than-nothing moment? Like if not able to find a model with the right kind of hairstyle, then a wig is better than nothing option? So, not totally out of the window?

Once again, many thanks in advance.
if your hoping to find a model with just the right hair style you might find your going to be waiting a long time. I would think that most models would want to play safe with things like changing hair styles as it could make a difference when they are able to work again. So yes a good quality wig in the style/colour that you want would be the best idea I would think.
I'd go with the wig. I've used models with wigs a few times, and once worked with a wig wearer. You wont tell a good wig done properly from real hair. It's the cheapy ones that get wigs a bad name.