Wild foxes part 2, its getting better...

Edit My Images
So things are looking much better already!! It's only been a week between photo shoots but the quality and opportunities with the images has already improved massively!


D3, 600mm, f4, 1/160, ISO 2000

Full story and more images from the second shoot here.
Hi dont want to hijack your thread but heres a photo I took 7 years ago!


Taken through a window and this was the best I could clean it up with limited photoshop skills at the time!

Foxes are great but I dont see many anymore as I live in a city now.

I'm now going to have a look at your shots
Looks like you made eye contact, I wish I could get that close. :)

Would a slight crop from the left work, or would that take away too much of its setting?
Checked out your blog, I like foxy4 - and the way hes looking back at you
Thanks all :)

I could go for the tighter crop but I like seeing the surroundings to give it a more wild and countryside feel. However, these are still the early stages so for now I'm not really expecting perfectly framed shots - at this point it's a case of getting what you can and hoping for the best. Further down the line we'll hopefully start getting the real keeper shots :)