Will RAW help reduce ISO noise?

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Hey up...

Been thinking... i use jpeg 99% of the time as im not one for PP (just balance and crop in jpeg).

Im do a fair bit of mountian biking shots in the forest with no flash so jpeg and high ISO and turn on the in camera the noise filters. If i used RAW would this help reduce the ISO noise and then convert to jpeg?

Or any other tips to reduce ISO noise :)


bob :)
If you are using Windows there is a free standalone program 'Noiseware' run the .jpegs through, will clean them up a treat.

You want the Community Edition LINK
You could process your files with noise reduction programs such as Noise Ninja or Noiseware to reduce the presence of noise in your photographs. :)

I think it's best not to overdo the noise reduction, otherwise detail will be lost.

Edit: just too slow!
wow - fast responces! :)

i have an olympus e1 so old school now... motorsport ISO400 with no probs, bikes ISO 800 - 3200. 800 is ok, 3200 i need to convert to black and white or apply lots of sharpening which looses the quality big time but there OK for facebook etc.

Would be nice to get a little more out of my camera :)

will have a look at the link martyn.. linked (just waiting for it to open)

many thanks :)

You will "see" MORE noise in a raw file than a JPG .. A JPG is compressed and that makes for a cleaner picture... however you can do more work on a RAW file so the theory would be that RAW+ Processing would be better than JPG ...
cheers Jaz! :)

out this week shooting so will stick with jpeg and will give the noise filter a go... :)

was hoping as the RAW was a bigger file the camera would 'see' more..

guess the next step is to learn how to properly process a RAW and buy a decent flash!! :0

many thanks for the advice guys :)

The best noise reduction you can do is to print - no need to faff with NR.

Noise IMHO is only a problem if its visible on prints, noise when 100% viewing isn't a realworld problem.
martyn, i have sent you a PM. cant get the link to work and googled it and found a lot of links - but which one!! :0


bob :)

Bob, I have replied to your PM, its Noiseware Community Edition Standalone 2.6 (free download for windows) (y)