Windfall! But what to do with it all...

  • Thread starter reddeathdrinker
  • Start date


Workmate of mine knows I'm into photography, and that I have a couple of OM-10's I'm looking to get more use out of, so today he rolls in with a bag of assorted black and white films for me...all just slightly out of date, but fridge stored:)

3 x Kodak Professional P3200 TMAX
1 x Kodak Tri-X 400 Pro
1 x Ilford Delta 400
6 x Ilford PanF Plus 50
2 Ilford HP5 Plus 400

Now, I'm just getting into film photography, what's the best use for the these films? Obviously the 3200 will be hi-speed and grainy,and the PanF 50 will be sloooow and smooth...but I'm still stuck for ideas!!

I'll be researching further tonight, but any help appreciated;) Using on a pair of OM-10's with 28mm, 50mm and 70-200mm lenses, if that helps:bonk:
i pushed a tmax 3200 to 6400 and got some awesome night shots done (look on my flickr) pan f 50 is a very silky sexy architecture film but needs good light for best results. the 400's can be used in most lighting conditions during the day, if you have problems just push process the film! (dont forget on night shots to use the reciprocity failure)