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A really dull day at Marazion. Also I needed a longer lens. First time messing with raw as well.

This is a heavily cropped image.

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Yo Si,
Nice pics, looks pretty normal ! lol
Fed up with speed sailing ?
Did you venture out or just taking pics.
Nice avatar, still recogise you.
Cheech [gaz]
Hi Gaz,

On the speed front never fed up with it mate. I've gone to the dark side with the aim of having a go at speed.

Just pics as all my windsurfing kit has been sold for kite kit.

The avatar was from a presentation for design history. It was the transformation from a philistine to the bourgeois. Sadly I'm still a philistine with with bourgeois aspirations.

My lecturer had her doubts when i greeted her with a hand shake and said au revoir.
Love the colours in the first pic against the murky grey sky & sea.

Tell you what though ...............

They must be hardy souls to do that in this weather

KITES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You'll soon get bored. lol



Hmmm I will never say never. But the 60 knot maxes made it quite tempting

Love the colours in the first pic against the murky grey sky & sea.

Tell you what though ...............

They must be hardy souls to do that in this weather

Hi Paul,

Thanks for that.

I was a little worried that the sails looked too vibrant when i processed them.

It was a very dull day light wise.

I've been trying to get some pics of kite surfing and it's been very hard to do as getting the kite and the surfer is tough.


The best pics are when they are on land as the kites are low.