Winter Wonderland

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One from the archives - December 2009.

Winter Wonderland

While the image was taken a good few years ago, the memory of the image lives long. You see I had been totally unprepared for the cold conditions when I headed out that day (with little intention of doing any landscape work) .... Still off I trundled and with a 30 minute walk back to the car (which was then stuck in a frozen car park for an hour) through deep snow after the sun had set, I think I now realise what the early onset of Hypothermia feels like.

Only about 50% happy with the image - made quite a few mistakes - so hope to go back soon and reshoot ... (winter coat and hip flask packed)


I like the picture...way more than 50%! Has a bit of a surreal feel to it. In my eyes it has two leading lines to the sun...the brown vegetation and the tree-line in a way.
I think this is a nice shot. If it was one of mine, I'd try reducing the blue saturation in the sky top left because it's a little bit distracting.