Winwick Church - Night Shoot- if you view pls comment. Second shoot new shots added!


Balloons! Yay!
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I drive past this church a lot, and it is one of few in the area which is floodlight. So was passing tonight with the camera in my car and thought I would spend ten minutes. Hadn't planned it, so just had the camera with me, no tripod, no flash, no filters.

So, I know they are not perfect, but what would you do to improve them. I can do some tomorrow night as well, so comments appreciated and can then update the thread with new shots.

One problem is with the floodlight itself, it lights up one part of the church very brightly, and other parts not at all.

Anyway, all comments, reworks etc. appreciated.




I always fancied shooting the church as it sits at the top of a bank, so you are shooting from below, hence the grass in the shot. Gives for a good perspective.
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You've done well with the kit you had - some interesting angles too.

Being from Warrington I know Winwick.

I think it's been developed into housing now but what we knew as the old Winwick 'mental hospital' (probably not the correct terminolgy these days) at would have made a great location.
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You've done well with the kit you had - some interesting angles too.

Being from Warrington I know Winwick.

I think it's been developed into housing now but what we knew as the old Winwick 'mental hospital' (probably not the correct terminolgy these days) at would have made a great location.

Thanks, your able to get the interesting angles because you are lower than the ground level of the church.

Your right, the mental hospital site is now a luxury housing development -Winwick Park. It still has the stone walls and also the large areas of grass in fron tof the development, very nice, but is very close to the M6 and M62. And also a massive B+Q.

I will try and get some more tomorrow, maybe some landscape ones, and also some other angle. The lights for the spire are really annoying - very bright and a whiter light than the yellow of the lower floodlight.

I may try and get a little lower, and also may chuck the tripod in the car.

Thanks for the comment Pete, glad you like it.
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Which perspective works best out of 2 and 3? The octagonal tower being vertical or not?
These are very good - I particularly like the second one, as the lighting is more even and the distorted verticals not so extreme.

If you go back with a tripod try bracketing, keeping the aperture fixed so that the focus/DOF doesn't change. Then you can combine them in PP to get more even lighting - not necessarily with HDR software but just blending carefully with layers and masks.
Good colours, and depth in them all.

If they are what you're after then take c&c on board and keep at them.

For me, they are a bit to close/claustrophobic, almost like they are going to fall on me:wacky:

Have been out since 9 this morning, so missed most of this critic. got some more with tripod will post later.

thanks everyone!
As a Warrington lad myself, that brings back some memories. Thanks for posting.
12 hours photographing??? If so, I hang my head in shame...:notworthy:

No not all togging, only had bout 20 minutes togging at the end of the day!
Nice shots mate, if you get a chance to go back maybe take your tripod and a good torch and try and get some more light on the mid section. I know this church very well as i used to manage the swan pub opposite, it does look good at night.
So here are the next set in this little adventure. Shot with a tripod, although I still need to get to grips with mine in the dark! A ball head would be sooo much easier!

I don't know if I am more impressed with the similar shots that I did, and also a couple of extras. let me know, I may even "mono" on up!




New shot, complete with (blown) moon!


ANother new shot, probably my favourite of the night, if nothing because it is such a formulaic composition.

Again comments appreciated, and please don't think I ignored the good advice about bracketing and layering, I just hadn't read it in time!
Wow pics are cool, mad really that i live like 5 mins away from that church and never thought about it.........hmmmm
Wow pics are cool, mad really that i live like 5 mins away from that church and never thought about it.........hmmmm

Cheers Charlie, it would be interesting to see someone else take on the church at night.

It's a shame that Shooter doesn't still work at the Swan :beer:
Lawrie, you beat me to it! I've driven past this church for 3 years and thought I must take a night time shot of that some day, it always looks brilliantly lit.

My favourite shot above is the one with the moon - really nice!

Just a thought... I often wondered if it were possible to stand a little further away than you did here, perhaps down the lane (opposite the pedestrian crossing) and zoom in... but then I reckon the trees would get in the way. Did you try any other angles?
Hi Lawrence (good name BTW!). Thanks for the kind words.

I didn' really look at angles further away from the church, but there are quite a few trees around it. You also need to remember because it is elevated, and there is a bus stop close by also. I may well try again if passing in the dark again.

I drove past the place time after time, and only had a moment with the camera over the weekend.

I would actually really like someone else to have a crack at shooting the church to see what other people do.

I also lilke the moon shot, but wish I had taken a much shorter exposure on a shot to capture the detail in the moon so I could then replace the blown out mess I have at the moment.

I also need to walk round the other side of the church, and possible try a bit of light painting on it as well.
Thanks Rob, I am beginning to think I shoot better off the cuff, without all the planning.....
I think the colours in #2 really make it for me, beautifully exposed...
Thanx Adam.