Wiring Images from site...

Edit My Images
Posted this in PP section but thought Id open one here.....

Any advice guys, I was going to PM Gary Coyle but thought he would see it here and also throw it open to others. Just after advice on what I will need to wire, I have contacts that want them but to be honest I could get home and do it, My train of thought is sending few at a break and a few at the end whilst everything gets packed up. It could just speed up what Im doing.

i know Id email pics rather than to a ftp set up.

I know I need laptop, Any specific spec?
Connection, Cheapest/Speed/Where from etc?
Card reader, Any particular type, do I need a firewire thingy?

Thanks in advance (y)
I use a laptrop and 3g card but its slow.. you really need to save the jpgs as at the most quality 10/12 to keep the filesize down. you also have to think rain? or bright sunlight as they both effect when using a laptop..

i do half a dozen at half time and if anything happens second half then send summat just before the end..

If the ground ahs wifi use that.... if you ahve time after a game then go to nearest mcdonalds as there access is faster than 3g in my experience :)
some mobile phones can be used as a modem, however make sure your on unlimited internet usage package.
Thanks Kipax for advice, Im thinking few at HT and then few whilst sat in car waiting for traffic to disperse.

Rob, Im on unlimited wifi via iPhone
You wont be able to use your iPhone as it doesn't work as a modem. However you can pop the SIM out and stick it in a USB 3G modem if you like.

Laptop wise, you need something that will run a decent photo application like Lightroom or Photo Mechanic, plus FTP software like Filezilla (free). 2GB of RAM plus a "decent" processor should do it.

I too use WiFi where possible as 3G is slower. I usually keep my jpegs below 1Mb and they'll be cropped, straightened and with a bit of contrast or other gentle tweaking.

I shoot tethered to my laptop so see the pics pop up as they are taken (within a few seconds), so can select my picks, caption, and export pretty much real time. Also it's better to get some pics off before the halftime break as all the other togs send their at halftime and WiFi and 3G slows down terribly. Same thing for the end of the game - get them off earlier if you can.

Thats some excellent advice Tobers, Especially the bit about everyone doing it at same time hence slower transfer rate.

Any advice welcome, No matter how dumb it may seem, trust me ;) :LOL:
Of course if you get on good terms with the clubs you know they will let you plug an ethernet cable straight into their Broadband connection, there are a couple of clubs where i could do that.

Just a thought
I use a 3G modem (Three) or Wi-Fi from Premier League grounds, 3G can be painful sometimes. I use a runner to get the images back to his laptop which is hooked up to Wi-Fi. Although we do have the LAN/Wi-Fi transmitter from the Camera to Laptop aswell as an option but this can be a pain in the ringpiece.

As for card reader, I use a £10 unbranded thing which is velcroed to the top of the lappy to stop it falling off.

I try and send pics about 10mins before half time, then some towards the end of the game. I then leave it til back in the press room and hook you to the Wi-Fi.

My lappy is on its way out, Sony Vaio Pentium M with 2GB but its showing its age, so a new one is in order soon as CS3/4 is just to slow.

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bit of an update guys, Thanks too for replies, much help.

I got my Laptop fixed, Bought new screen from eBay and fitted it myself, Im still buzzing from that alone. I got tmoby Internet dongle thingy mebob, And went and done a game and sort of wired them back to myself, Managed to get 4 done 15 mins into game and 6 at HT, Was pretty impressed. No doubt totally different when I NEED the shots as opposed to just "trying" it out. Anyway, Next weekend will be my real test.

Can i just ask what sizes do you save jpegs at to send, 800px longest? What mb should file be then, ish ?

Thanks all.
the person your sending them to should really let you know how they want them.. I wire to two.. both i send JPGs at compressed 10 in photoshop.. i crop and set 200 dpi for newspaper and 300 dpi for an agency.. I am guessing others do differently depending on the agency/paper requirements... my files are around half a meg to papers
Well today at Twickenham the 3G network was totally congested as was the WiFi with about a million photographers sending pics. I ended up jumping on my motorbike after the game and zapping a couple of miles down the road to McDonalds to use their WiFi and grabbed a burger at the same time.

Probably had it all done faster than the guys back at the stadium.
Seee... I said mcdonalds didnt I :) always check where the nearest one is before you set off to a match just in case :)
Nice one Tobers, I did the same from Fulham V Man Utd today, managed a few out in the first half and again in the 2nd but I live 1 tube stop away so went home and pinged a few out. Still get none published cos I aint with the big boys. Still got a lot of action today.