Woman has car accident whilst - well read the story...

Brought a whole new meaning to being rear-ended.
Im going to ask the Wife if she fancies moving to Cirencester...must be something in the air :D
Im going to ask the Wife if she fancies moving to Cirencester...must be something in the air :D

Just realised ive opened myself up for jokes about another wa*k*r living in Cirencester...there you go, ive done it for you. As you were :D
...and just to even it up a bit :D
"When she looked inside"

Had that been a female and a man looked in side, he'd have been done for being a peeping tom ;)
That cracked me up :)
Was it a Renault Clito?
No, it was one of those hybrid things, a collaboration between ford (USA)
and Renualt, twas called a cliotorus
USA? I see. She probably had smoke coming out of her muffler.
That'll be the implement going faster than it was designed for I guess :D
lucky it didn't get stuck up there :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
That reminds me of a story told by a colleague at work some years ago.

He was a young man living at home with his mother and he arrived home one evening to find she was rather flustered.

Turned out that when walking home she'd come across a stationary car with a man in the driver's seat who had a map across his lap. She obviously thought he was lost so tapped on his window to offer help.

At that point he whipped the map away, exposing himself to be naked from the waist down.

Shocked at this she fled and reported the incident at the local police station. For some reason the police seemed to find the incident rather amusing.

Her son was upset that this had happened to his mother and that the police seemed to treat it as a joke so he went to the police station to complain.

The police sergeant was very apologetic and assured him that they took what had happened very seriously but it was just that his mother had said something rather amusing.

"I asked her if the man had an erection," the sergeant explained, "And she replied "No, I think it was a Ford Escort.""
I wonder what she put on the insurance report before this hit the news?

If she's honest she got to say "Sorry, I was driving like a w****r" :LOL:
US model VW Golf according to one report...
That reminds me of a story told by a colleague at work some years ago.

He was a young man living at home with his mother and he arrived home one evening to find she was rather flustered.

Turned out that when walking home she'd come across a stationary car with a man in the driver's seat who had a map across his lap. She obviously thought he was lost so tapped on his window to offer help.

At that point he whipped the map away, exposing himself to be naked from the waist down.

Shocked at this she fled and reported the incident at the local police station. For some reason the police seemed to find the incident rather amusing.

Her son was upset that this had happened to his mother and that the police seemed to treat it as a joke so he went to the police station to complain.

The police sergeant was very apologetic and assured him that they took what had happened very seriously but it was just that his mother had said something rather amusing.

"I asked her if the man had an erection," the sergeant explained, "And she replied "No, I think it was a Ford Escort.""

probably had just been to the ;local supermarket and got all hot and horny viewing the cucumbers and so forth

so she asks for assistance in loading her groceries into the car and says to the member of staff

"Do you know I have an itchy pussy?"
"Sorry,lady, can't distinguish one Japanese car from another "
"The "fit" woman, described as in her 30s, was static in traffic when her Mini suddenly lurched forward and hit the back of the stationary fish van."

I think they meant, "ecstatic", lol