Womens Flat Track Roller Derby

Good stuff Mark. I couldn't make it last night but it looks like it went well. Their twitter feed post every 30 seconds.

Their lighting hasn't improved then I notice.
Love the determination on her face in first one, and the score girl would have been better if she was not pulling a funny face :)
Very nice.

This looks so much fun.

1/250s and no motion blur.
Hey thanks for looking and commenting chaps.

Robin there is little / no motion blur because these are shot with flash to try and freeze the action, also it's dark in there, well the camera thinks so :LOL:

Tom I didn't know they has a twitter feed, maybe cause I don't twit myself :)

The score girl was just a quick snap shot, and now wish he had a smile on her face instead, there were a couple of very attractive NSO's , but felt a bit perverted trying to get shots of them. :D

And we like photos of attractive ladies..
Ah I see :bonk:
Well I have to say these are the best pics I have seen using flash.. I really hate flash esp in sports.. however them first two are perfect and I just thought well lit venue with big windows :)

have you nailed flash or nailed good PP ? :) either way I am well impressed that these where taken with flash
Thanks again everyone.

Tony I most certainly have NOT nailed the PP , because I haven't got a clue about PP really , it's just something I'm poor at.

These where taken with the camera in manual, and the flash set for ETTL and bounced of the lowish roof, the only PP is a crop, auto levels and white balance adjustment as I felt to original was a tiny bit too warm (all done in Aperture 3)

Original Shot with NO adjustments.

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Hey Mark, I will deffo try and get to the next one and I also have some PP tips for you. I will email you soon with some stuff.
Hi Tom the next match is 14 April, not sure if you can get complimentary tickets or not, but I was told last week that they are turning people away as it's a sell out event.