Womens hockey

Edit My Images
Hi there, I'm a newbie and this is my first attempt and (hopefully it worked) upload.... :eek:
I'd really appreciate your feedback so feel free to be as harsh as you like, I want to learn.

Settings were 1/500, f9, 180mm, ISO 400.
Water is purposely put on the pitches to make the ball zip around.

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Hi, welcome to TP.

I reckon it could do with being a tad sharper though it's hard to tell at that resolution.

I'd bump the shutter speed up at the expense of the aperture to get the crisp shot.

With the shot you've got I reckon it wants to be a little brighter so you can make out more of the expression on her face.
have a look on my website under sports (cp-photographic.co.uk) and you'll see a few of my hockey images. Most if not all decent hockey clubs will have a waterbased pitch. You have a decent shot there but if it was me i'd boost brightness and contrast to give more of a pop, i would also save it as a jpeg not a gif.
Thanks all for your comments, much appreciated.

The image had a bit of basic editing in Elements which I'm new to also. Used the auto function for sharpening, brightness, contrast and colour. I did think it needed brightening up on the face. It was cropped a little and the file was 2MB so saved it in a lower resolution.