WooHoo, first Tornado.

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Taken just after 5 tonight, Tebay. Can't describe how chuffed I am, lots more but have to work right now so back later !

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Excellent. Is it practising for a lone strike on a desert target? Will it have to wait for Barack to be president? What about a bit more of a crop to put the plane in a better position on the shot?
nice image--LOOK @ THOSE MISSLES!!= )
RSAF(saudi) paint job. The TSP in green is Tornado Sustainment Prog. This is a Warton jet methinks.
RSAF(saudi) paint job. The TSP in green is Tornado Sustainment Prog. This is a Warton jet methinks.

Exactly right, it came back last week and is indeed based at Warton at present.

Just confirmed with a mate of mine who is still out there. I did have some half decent shots of these out in their natural habitat, i.e. the sand but they all went when my had drive went tits up late last year.

Still wish I was out there at times!!!!!!
vapour one gets my vote , great set will have to get up there some day
Nice one mate!! Not only your 1st Tonka, but the Saudi one, and 3 passes, and........full sweep on the wings!!!!!!!!!!!
You obviously trod in something lucky on your way up there.
Nice shooting.
Oh! it was loaded too, lucky bugger;)