Working on my "home studio" technique.

Edit My Images
ISO 200, 1/200 @ f5.6, 98mm, 430EX to camera left fired by radio trigger, with stofen and paper towel diffuser, black cutter camera right.


I think the flash highlight is too strong / small, more kitchen roll needed next time for the diffuser.. Anything else? Tips, tricks, or just don't like it?

Thanks in advance,


PS. Very minimal PP on this, just added the blue toning and gave it a little sharpen.

EDIT: Just seen it needs a straighten too..
try upping the brightness - should really make it pop!
I would say thet you are just lacking over all light, if you get a nice flood light going on it would make it work :D
i like your edit a lot and i its a very well captured picture. Love the bubbles in it. nice crisp image with great subtle colouring.
I didn't realise you specifically wanted a black background

How about this one then?


I was trying to capture a drip as it fell into the glass (obviously missed!) hence looking down on it. Do you want a hint or to keep experimenting


DD - When you say you bounced the flash off a white car where was the flash and card in relation to the glass??
Guessing it was off to one side with the card facing the glass and the flash fired onto to card to bounce back??
And there was nothing special about the water, as the detail is sweet.

Heres one of mine similar to DD's I took it at his house :LOL:
So unless there is something special with the water there, and I'm sure there isnt, I'd say it was just plain old tap water. :LOL:

It is surprising, that the bubbles, arent round. :LOL: another idea we have that is obviously wrong.

The card was placed behind the glass, at the back of the kitchen sink, and the flash bounced off it, from various angles, etc, until you find something that gives you the effect your after.

And I have to say DD, that black background one. :notworthy: I think its Lovely.
I wouldn't mind having a go at this myself, How do you keep the water running in to the cup?

Is it just a plain black background? could it be made?
Oh, it's just a black backdrop behind the drop from the tap?

I see now, Learn something new everyday ;)
Cheers for that dellipher, is it worth putting some black card either side of the glass to try and bring out the edges of the glass or leave it as is, because the flash bounced from behind will be enough to make the edges of the glass stand out more??
Cheers for that dellipher, is it worth putting some black card either side of the glass to try and bring out the edges of the glass or leave it as is, because the flash bounced from behind will be enough to make the edges of the glass stand out more??

That's worth a go, but this was shot with a Macro lens at a high f-stop, so the light fall-off to the sides is very rapid - and being sat in a sink there's no walls within a few feet so reflectance isn't really a problem
