X20 --- How to get RAW into Photoshop

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OK so have just tried out my new X20. Got a huge shock when Photoshop could not open the RAW files. So did a little browsing and found out this is difficult.

So how does everybody else do it? Or do you all use Silkypix to develop the RAW files?
Depends on the version of Photoshop you have. You can update CS6 to read them or Lightroom 4.
Or you can get Adobe DNG converter for free, which converts the Fuji raw to DNG which can be opened in any Photoshop version.

You do need the latest update from adobe as it has the latest Fuji update file in it.

Silkypix is just horrible.( but it works.)
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Just downloaded and used Adobe DNG convertor.

Wow ... it takes a long time to convert but I suppose I can leave it running in the background.

Do you delete RAF files and just keep DNGs? Keeping both will just double disk space use.
Do you delete RAF files and just keep DNGs? Keeping both will just double disk space use.

Hi, No point in keeping the RAF files as well. DNGs are in effect RAW files they are just converted to Adobe's own file format and they have also saved you some space on your hard drive. Hope this helps.
It might help some who work in raw, with an X20, to know that the Lens corrections made when taking Jpegs are not carried out in raw.
As you zoom, the resulting curvature caused by pincushion and Barrel distortion become all too aparent in straight lines.

This can be a pain to remove in Lightroom or photoshop. (and must always be done before other alterations.)
A far easier option for the X10 or X20 is to use PTLens which removes this aberation with a single click, and far more perfectly than is possible in photoshop.

Have you not got camera raw 7.4 for photoshop as I thought that covered all cameras out now