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Not sure what type of yacht this is .

looks hard work.:puke:

Iam to much of a land love. Look great fun:clap:
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I like this, lots of action. Sailing boats always present a difficulty because of the mast and you've managed to get it in. I would be tempted to lose the bottom fifth of the photo where the sea is not doing much for me. I know I suggested losing sky in the windsurfer shot, but the consistent advice is to get that horizon away from the centre of the shot.
I was sitting looking at this title wondering what a yatch was............... and now I have realised it's a yacht!!;)

All looks FAR too energetic for a Sunday morning :D
With it been a portrate shot if i clop to low

The sailors {men or women** would then be to near the right if you see where iam coming from . I will take it on board
With it been a portrate shot if i clop to low

The sailors {men or women** would then be to near the right if you see where iam coming from . I will take it on board

I had something like this in mind.


I think it's ok but who am I?
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It's an RS800 - open transom. These are superb sailing dinghies - and boy do they fly!

I used to rase their baby sister and always wanted an 800 but need a lot of water as they get from one end to the other in no time!

For me - you always need to be on the windward side of the boat (ie peoples backs to you) or at a very slight angle to the bow (within 25 degrees).
Being on the wire (trapeze) is a mad rush!!!
1944 your not wrong its just a persoal preffance. If we all see the same way how crap would life be.