Yep, more DTM

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Evening all,

Not loving the work at the moment but here's a few from Brands. Hateful meeting for me. Running around, crowds, no breaks and dull main races. Hey ho.

1. Yeah there's a spark

2. Seems the general consensus is the Beemers are gorgeous. I agree

3. Flame


5. Bump

6. You're doing it wrong
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7 is my fave i think Jon. what was your setup on the day? I posted some from Sunday, my first ever motorsport ones actually. But they don't have anything on yours!

Where you one of the lucky one on the right side of the huge mesh fence!
Thanks Darren. I was shooting with a 1D mkIV and a mix of 300mm f2.8 and 70-200 f2.8 lenses with and without extenders.

And yeah I was one of the lucky ones :)
I may have got a shot of you at some point then haha.....i was having massive lens envy on Sunday.
My sound a bit obvious but do you have to have some sort of license to be allowed inside the fence?
You don't have to have a licence per se but you have to be accredited by a motorsport publication that the circuit will recognise (your own website doesn't count for instance). Effectively you being trackside to take photos has to be of benefit to the circuit
Hi Jon ,very competant set as usual,but do you have any at Paddock ,or other corners properly showing crowd and background.
Folk rarely include proper backgrounds or post fuller shots or bigger compositions.


You don't have to have a licence per se but you have to be accredited by a motorsport publication that the circuit will recognise (your own website doesn't count for instance). Effectively you being trackside to take photos has to be of benefit to the circuit

Oh well :( lol

If it was a case of signing some injury disclaimer i would have been all over it haha (as would everyone else, I'm sure)