Yet another Westminster Abbey

Its a good one. (y)

A good range of tones and interesting clouds.
The consistent grey makes it appear a bit 'sterile' and there is distortion that needs to be dealt with but it does seem a good detail shot and the long exposure works well for the sky. :)
I like it a lot the composition leads you nicely to the tower and House of Parliament also you've nicely avoided the unsightly party boat moorings but tend to agree that some distortion correction wouldn't go a miss also you've s few dust spots that need cloning out, it maybe time to give your sensor a bit of clean to avoid further cloning in the future (y)

I like it - it's a nice composition and makes a change from the usual shot from on the bridge.
Another thing that you may want to change, it is not Westminster Abbey. :exit:

Made me giggle :)

Nice shot, well exposed!
I like the long exposure effect and it's certainly one of the better versions of this photo I have seen before, possibly even the best as the sky has so much going for it. Compositionally however it's a copy of a much photographed scene so lacking in creativity.
Another thing that you may want to change, it is not Westminster Abbey. :exit:
Well, a tiny, weeny bit of it is....

I do think that the flat tones detract, though quite a lot of this is the effect of the sepia toning - toning is best in the dark and mid-tones, less effective in the whites or 'paper' end of the spectrum, where it is generally best to see true whites. It tends to create the sense of looking at the picture through tinted glasses, and pulls everything (tonally) into the middle.