Yorkshire Cricket!

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Hello all, here's a few pics from a game today!, these where taken with a new 1.4 converter addition & I was supprised at the dramatic shrinkage in depth of Focus!!:eek:. C&C welcome Kind regards Graham.




Yes, you do lose a stop of two with a converter, I forget this sometimes :LOL:

It's a nice set but to me they seem a slight bit soft and a small bit noisy?
This is how the whites end up when using semi auto modes on your camera with cricket. Whits kits, white backgrounds its not ideal situation is it..

You really need to go manual and ignore the camera exposure... I get a reading from the grass then under expose two steps of 1/3 but sometimes thats not enough.. then theres the shadow on the players face that gets darker when you under expose... thats when post processing comes into play..

I have yet to see a good cricket picture straight out the cam using AV or any other and no processing.

I am quite pleased with the whites in mine so it kinda works for me :)

ADDYONBIT: Just looked at some excellent shots from P-E and he ius using AV mode.. but then on a 400 with 1.4 that must help :)
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Hi all, thanks for the input!
Hi Kelly, I didn't mean the loss of stops, rather the shrinkage in field of focus:eek:. These shots haven't had any USM added as I wanted oppinions on loss(if any) of image quality due to the converter & so I guess you answered that question:(. lol

Hi Nigel, Yes as pointed out by Kipax I fell into the AV trap again:shake:

Hello Tony, thanks for the advice, again!! (didn't listen the first time:shake:).
Ian is a great photographer & his work & timing is excellent, however, He also shoots in RAW (correct me if I'm wrong Ian & i'll eat humble pie) LOL, which gives a greater degree of control of exposure, which, as i'm covering for the papers (ie shoot Jpeg) I don't have, & your right I should have shot manual as you suggested the last time:(
I'll try to improve this the next post;). Kind regards Graham.
however, He also shoots in RAW (correct me if I'm wrong Ian & i'll eat humble pie) LOL, which gives a greater degree of control of exposure, which, as i'm covering for the papers (ie shoot Jpeg) I don't have,

I dont know what he shoots in but I shoot JPG and my whites are OK .. I never use raw nowerdays

These JPG

and these JPG for paper
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He also shoots in RAW (correct me if I'm wrong Ian & i'll eat humble pie)

You are correct Graham.....I shoot RAW ;)

Luckily I have time to edit before submitting to the papers......I know you guys who have to get them off quick need to shoot jpeg.
You are correct Graham.....I shoot RAW ;)

Luckily I have time to edit before submitting to the papers......I know you guys who have to get them off quick need to shoot jpeg.

Local saturday cricket I have until sunday afternoon to process... sunday lancashire league I also have until sunday afternoon.. with a 4pm deadline... (regional mon-sat paper) so I have and havent time on sunday but I stil shoot jpg at cricket and only lightly over expose but easy fixed in photoshop even as a jpg :)