Yorkshire Dales - People/Portrait Images.

Edit My Images
Hi guys - not noticed a thread yet for images from the People and Portrait images....................

Post 'em here !

Just three from Saturday.



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Well after my original quote

Only problem is getting 10 good images :bonk:

He are a few I will be putting on the cd.






Ian, can you PM me contact details to send the cd to (y)
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Stunning shots of a stunning model.

Loving number 2 from Ian, and number 2 from Scott.
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Some great shots there Scott especially liked No2 & the BW conversion. I am sure she will be well pleased with the photos.

Love No2 & No3 Ian cracking shots.

A few from me.

my favourite of Justin

Looking off in the distance

And a nice familly moment

And one of our tour leader... looking young and frsh after an early night...

huge thanks to Ian for great tuition and finding lovely models.
And thanks to Les to organising a fantastic weekend for us all.
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Great set Sue, 3 very strong images that Rebecca will be very happy to see. I think the first one is cracker. Now the last shot..........
Great set Sue, 3 very strong images that Rebecca will be very happy to see. I think the first one is cracker. Now the last shot..........

Thanks. I'm glad I got something to be worht sharing for her - after she worked so hard for us.
At least I have had the chance to delete the shots of Ian showing his "one big boob and view up the skirt" pose! Though it does seem burned in my memory :eek:
Seriously good stuff here guys and girls.

Here's my only half decent portrait


Not quite fulfilled the brief but if it was a farm they probably had a dog.

She was in the village and demanded to have her portrait done.

And I think you will find that my breath is as sweet as an angel's fart, mmmm thats probably not a good thing.

Some great shots to date (apart from Andy's choice of model) and not too sure about your last shot Sue. It's a good capture but the model looks dodgy!!!

Scott, I love your black & white shot of Rebecca - does it for me.

I will try and sort out my shots soon. probably not for a day or two. Just got back from dentist inserting implants and doing a bone graft. Have twelve stitches in my mouth and am told to expect face to swell and right eye to close. Maybe not the best time to look at photos on screen.

I will sort them ad hope to find at least 10 shots for my CD for Rebecca. Ian, where do you want it sent?

Look forward to seeing yours Ken.

Hope your recovery is swift and pain free (y)
Take it nice and easy Ken, a good malt will help numb the pain

I struggled a bit on Saturday as I was only able to use a 17-50, and I felt like I was getting in the way of the 70-200 crowd - not that I minded, I got way more out of the day than I expected to. Anyway, here are the images that are my "least worst". I'm aware of some issues, but would welcome constructive C&C.



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For flickr select picture size then right click copy image URL then paste between tags


Just been through all of you flickr shots (y) love the wide view of Justin jumping of the wooden picnic table.




Don't know what I was doing last night but a new day and a clear head and everything works...more on flickr, C&C welcome
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Just had a look at your flipr site and there are some really good shots on there from the saturday.

Okay - well I finally found a few mins to process some of mine from Sunday :)

As most of you will know Simon & I sat out most of the day as we were a bit oversubscribed so I didn't take many at all. Also, while you guys played with your long ones I shot only with my nifty fifty and only at f2 too - not tried that before so I thought - Hey, have a go

I kinda thought you'd all have more & better shots, so I decided to try a little different processing too

Enough crap - the pics ...





and a few more...
Some good shots Dave especially no6 nice toning.

Glad you stuck with the 50.

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post #3 but Steves post got in the way

If that makes any sense :thinking:

Oh and No.7 for me (y)

Got you at last - you random bugger :LOL:

Mine was just so I could follow the thread more easily, but I had nothing to say at that point :razz:

Nice stuff DD. I like the b&w particulalry. Hasn't Gabrielle got the most piercing eyes, beautiful.

I struggled a bit on Saturday as I was only able to use a 17-50, and I felt like I was getting in the way of the 70-200 crowd - not that I minded, I got way more out of the day than I expected to. Anyway, here are the images that are my "least worst". I'm aware of some issues, but would welcome constructive C&C.

Hi Patrick - sorry you should not have felt you were getting in the way at all, I obviously didn't spot this, had I done I would have pulled you up front for a while. I thought overall everyone was very polite, reading this it sounds like you were very polite. I apologise and should have spotted this :(
I learned a great deal on Saturday and decided to watch what others were doing for some of the time rather than get in their way - please don't take my comments as a complaint or criticism - it isn't.