Yorkshire Dales - People/Portrait Images.

Scott - you've got some really lovely shots. My favourites are nos 2, 3, 4 & 5, which is most of them. no. 3 is a lovely relaxed shot.

Sue - My favourite is no. 2 its got a real magazine advert appeal.

Patrick - no. 2 looks like he's planning something, no. 4 is beautiful.

Ok, heres some of mine. I struggled with the whole concept of telling someone what to do. I suspect Ian thought I wasn't going to take any photos at all at first. I learned a lot but I think I'm one of those people who will probably stick to family I just felt a little bit under pressure and photography for me is a wind down. Ian you were great but I was always going to be a hard one to convert!!






Scott - you've got some really lovely shots. My favourites are nos 2, 3, 4 & 5, which is most of them. no. 3 is a lovely relaxed shot.

Thanks Andrea :)

Love your last 2 B&W's :clap: the framing and processing is just right for me.

I think the processing side for my portrait work needs a lot more work/experimentation, vignetting seems very popular which is something I don't do and has a very powerful effect.
Well it's time to post some of mine, I've never used lightroom before to process images so open to C&C as always.






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Great shots from everyone (is it me or in some of the Sunday shots with just Jenny and Darren does the placing of the hand imply another small thing?). Ian you should be delighted with seeing these as a set of pics from your "students" (y)

Just a couple of mine, all from Saturday.

#1 - One of the last shots of the day; Justin asked for a photo of Patch so I obliged

#2 - My favourite, just screams childhood to me

#3 - This is the Justin against the wall - I was just leant over the top to get a slightly different view.

#4 - Just Rebecca, and if only I hadn't have clipped the hair on the left...

#5 - As Ian (or was it Dave) pointed out to me on Sunday it's a little sad to see Patch left on his own as he can't join in the game.
Just catching up on the thread.

Nikon Ken – I know, that last shot is awful. I mean, technically it is fine, but with a model like that, what can you do? Hope your implants are settling in okay… stitches in your face don’t sound fun at all. Think Andy is right, a good malt is certainly what the doc ordered.

Patrick – good shots though I think no. 1 is my favourite just cause I know how it was to get the timing, the angle and the view… that’s a smashing pic with all that feel of childhood, happiness, freedom…

Diddydave- nice set but number 4 for the toning does it for me.

Andrea – lovely set – especially like the black and white treatment!
Karl –love the depth of colour in #1.

Simon, - very nice set – especially 2 and 5 for me because of the story you’ve put into the shot. Saw you setting up no. 5 and thought “clever bugger”…
I know, that last shot is awful. I mean, technically it is fine, but with a model like that, what can you do?


"Think Andy is right, a good malt is certainly what the doc ordered."
Wish I could. On antibiotics, no alcohol for 5 days. Will have a lot of catching up to do.

Must get back to processing my shots but right eye isn't focusing at the moment - might leave it a day or two.

Great shots from everyone (is it me or in some of the Sunday shots with just Jenny and Darren does the placing of the hand imply another small thing?). Ian you should be delighted with seeing these as a set of pics from your "students" (y)

Just a couple of mine, all from Saturday.

#1 - One of the last shots of the day; Justin asked for a photo of Patch so I obliged

#2 - My favourite, just screams childhood to me

#3 - This is the Justin against the wall - I was just leant over the top to get a slightly different view.

#4 - Just Rebecca, and if only I hadn't have clipped the hair on the left...

#5 - As Ian (or was it Dave) pointed out to me on Sunday it's a little sad to see Patch left on his own as he can't join in the game.

Trust me Simon, I am smiling and am delighted that everyone got some good stuff. I have had some lovely comments and the first disc arrived today. I will wait until the end of next week before posting off. I will not be looking at the discs and they will go direct to the families.
At last I've had a chance to go through my shots from the weekend and they're not too good. Despite Ians excellent advice, a combination of camera problems & lack of people skill seem to have got the better of me :bang:

Still, things can only get better :D





At last I've had a chance to go through my shots from the weekend and they're not too good. Despite Ians excellent advice, a combination of camera problems & lack of people skill seem to have got the better of me :bang:

Still, things can only get better :D






Brian #2, #4 and #5 are awesome - really lovely expressions and interaction !
Not too much to say about Simon's.......:clap:

Brian.....Ian is spot on about those shots of yours, the family should be very happy when they see them. (y)
Thanks for the comments guys, a few more sessions with Ian & I might feel comfortable doing passport work........

OK - guys and gals, I now have 5 discs in my possession ( Out of 16 delegates ), I have not yet opened any of them so I can only vouch for Sue as her and Paul put a sticker on the back but for the others thank you, it about tallies with the amount of times I have given my address to send to.

PLEASE, I did ask very politely that everyone joining the People and Portrait sessions agreed with the T&C's and that was to provide a small selection of images to give to the subjects. They gave their time in order for you guys to get some practice, they were real people and not models so ANY images they get of themselves, they will love.

Please, if you have not yet done so, drop me a PM and I will send you my address to post to, I won't be looking at the images, just forwarding on to the families.

I didn't take forum names on the weekend I was hoping we could do it by trust !

I appreciate folk are busy but I have promised the families based on the thread before the weekend, it reflects badly on me in my local area if you don't keep your side of the bargain !
OK - guys and gals, I now have 5 discs in my possession ( Out of 16 delegates ), I have not yet opened any of them so I can only vouch for Sue as her and Paul put a sticker on the back but for the others thank you, it about tallies with the amount of times I have given my address to send to.

PLEASE, I did ask very politely that everyone joining the People and Portrait sessions agreed with the T&C's and that was to provide a small selection of images to give to the subjects. They gave their time in order for you guys to get some practice, they were real people and not models so ANY images they get of themselves, they will love.

Please, if you have not yet done so, drop me a PM and I will send you my address to post to, I won't be looking at the images, just forwarding on to the families.

I didn't take forum names on the weekend I was hoping we could do it by trust !

I appreciate folk are busy but I have promised the families based on the thread before the weekend, it reflects badly on me in my local area if you don't keep your side of the bargain !


Oh dear - that's not playing fair guys - I didn't take many and still sent Ian 14 on a disc (saint-DD :D) so pull your fingers out (y)

Sorry Ian....:( I didn't take many either and they were all crap so I didn't put them on a disc. I will do so this weekend and post them monday. (y)


Hopefully you've got my disc by now - narrowed it down to 23 but had trouble processing so straight out of camera.

I will have another go at processing and post some on here soon. All my attempts at processing seem to make them worse:(

Thanks again for a great session.

@Dseered....Ian although royal mail hasn't failed me yet mine was in a folded jiffy bag with my name/forum name hand written on the disc....feel free to check for my peace of mind.
Hi Ian

I sent mine last Tueday. Had my name on the disc and the front of the disc had images on it via Lightscribe to try and make it look special.

Please can you let me know if it hasn't arrived firstly so I can give royal mail a kick as i'm fairly sure I sent it first class and secondly so I can burn another disc.


Sent mine before last weekend, please advise if it hasn't arrived and I'll resend.

Regards all
Hi Guys

Had a good number through now so will open them up and put in one envolope. I think I have 11 discs so although not all. Thank you for your time in burning and sending, it will make our families very happy !
Hi Ian

I sent mine last Tueday. Had my name on the disc and the front of the disc had images on it via Lightscribe to try and make it look special.

Please can you let me know if it hasn't arrived firstly so I can give royal mail a kick as i'm fairly sure I sent it first class and secondly so I can burn another disc.



How did you do the lightscribe I tried it using a jpeg from the day but it kept giving me an error is there a secret to it?:bonk:
Hi Karl

Are you using proper Lightscribe discs? Unfortunately you cannot use any old disc, they are a bit more expensive but not too bad. I only use them for special things so its only the second one I've done.

It took me all my while to remember how to do it this time its been so long since the last one. Even forgot I had to turn the disc over to do it :bonk:

I just used the software on the laptop to do it, can't remember what it is now but its a bit of a faff. If you need to know what it is I can take a look and let you know.

If its not for either of the reasons above I'm really not sure tbh.
Thanks Andrea for taking the time to reply.(y)(y)

Yes I'm using the correct disc's but I'm new to the world of lightscribe, when I burnt the pictures to disc I saw the option to use a picture as the label but for some reason it didn't want to work.

Hence the question I was wondering if you had to use a certian format when using a picture I'll have to spend 5 min's to look around and find out what I was doing wrong. Or I could always read the manual:thinking::thinking:
I have waited as long as possible, those that have sent discs - thank you very, very much, you know if you sent one so thank you.

Those that haven't, well - I will leave that to your conscience but as I requested 100% compliance before you photographed the subjects that had given their time freely, you will understand that I am a little annoyed that I am about 6 discs short over the two days, never mind.

Blog post here.
