You do what for a living?

Oops, didn't spot that post before i posted mine above:LOL:
As its a "tool" of your trade I'll let you off :D
I'm a Senior Business Consultant for the world's largest psychometric test provider .............

Finally we know who to blame (y)
Pitchforks, torches and hoods at the ready guys :D
I am currently unemployed after taking voluntary redundancy from Royal Mail so I can restore my 50 year old VW and relocate to live on a boat.

I did try my hand at being a rent boy, but had to give it up after a fortnight because I was starving to death.

Woodsy said:
I'm a professional student :D

Degree, MSc and soon to be starting a Ph.D...

What can I say, I like the academic lifestyle! :D

I have a friend like you, he managed to stay in full-time education until he was in his late 20s then they chucked him out, he had a couple of jobs that you could get by sticking your head through the door and saying, any jobs going, but he's a lecturer now so he found a way of getting back in : lol:
wack61 said:
I have a friend like you, he managed to stay in full-time education until he was in his late 20s then they chucked him out, he had a couple of jobs that you could get by sticking your head through the door and saying, any jobs going, but he's a lecturer now so he found a way of getting back in : lol:

sounds like an old friend I had accept full time education in this instance was prison lol
I'm a Senior Business Consultant for the world's largest psychometric test provider (those ability and personality tests you get when applying for a job) - with the ever increasing rise in educational standards :naughty: I'm pleased to report that demands for our products are as high, if not higher, than they have ever been.

So if I say I'm an INTP you will know what that means.

We used to have a customer called PSL that was in that field, but they seem to have vanished.
I love this thread :D

Me i do what i want when i want and if i get board i do something else you could say :thinking: I do a little bit of this and a litle bit of that :D
As long as i get to drive my Morgans and get to do my photography and have my 5/6 holidays a year im happy.
I may not get rich but i have enjoyed the last fifty years of my life
Im a
Ex Patternmaker
Ex Welder
Ex Builder
Ex Kitchen Fitter
Ex Wedding Photographer
Ex Sprayer
Ex Coach builder :thinking: oops thats wrong im still doing that one

I enjoyed all of the above but lifes to short to get bogged down :D thats why i work for myself only one boss the :Dwife:help:

Hm i feel a book coming on :D

Regards All


P.s one of my Mogs

So if I say I'm an INTP you will know what that means.

We used to have a customer called PSL that was in that field, but they seem to have vanished.

I would :naughty: although our products don't put you in a box like the one you mentioned does :clap: PSL were acquired by Kenexa about 5 years ago - so absorbed rather than vanished (y)
I run a cinema for now. Being made redundant in December though so will be on to pastures new after Christmas.
I would :naughty: although our products don't put you in a box like the one you mentioned does :clap: PSL were acquired by Kenexa about 5 years ago - so absorbed rather than vanished (y)

ah, interesting to know about PSL, did wonder why I stopped hearing from them.

I have a fair idea what your products would say about me. Loner-nerd basically :LOL: