Recent content by 10jh

  1. 10jh

    How much DIY can you do in 23 years?

    Probably fixing whatever last DIY job he attempted. That's what I spend half my DIY time doing...
  2. 10jh

    Snow chains

    As suggested above, snow socks might be better if you don't live in either an area where it snows a lot or if there aren't lots of hills. Article comparing them and also snow tyres here -
  3. 10jh

    Anyone drive a Prius?

    I find it weird people will pay so much just to appear to the world like they are kind to the environment by buying a hybrid. Why would you buy a new Prius over the new Focus TDCi 115 - The Focus is way cheaper, just an...
  4. 10jh

    Deer / Stags in the South West

    Don't know anywhere SW, but Richmond Park in SW London is great for it. They're very easy to get close to as well.
  5. 10jh

    Matress toppers

    Are foam mattresses always hot? Or just the Tempur ones?
  6. 10jh

    Please, please, don't use your mobile phone while driving!

    Very sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully remembering reading this post, and the BBC post, will stop people in the future.
  7. 10jh

    Post your Blogs here

    Mine - Rarely to do with photography, but manage to feature some stunning shots. Don't get many comments, a few following though. I have an overflowing Google Reader, full of different car and photography blogs. Hard to keep up with them. I read some religiously...
  8. 10jh

    Driving in Asia

    I spent 3 months in SW Asia and the standards there were shocking. Lots of near misses when we were passengers in buses and taxis, and we barely went in them at all. Made worse by the fact there are so many stray dogs and potholes.
  9. 10jh

    Clear skies anyone?

    Cloudy again tonight where I am (NW)
  10. 10jh

    What car should I get?

    RX8 will cost a fortune in petrol, fun car though. Personally I'd be looking at the Cooper S, fantastic little car that never fails to put a smile on your face.
  11. 10jh

    3D tv any good

    The cost of the glassses is still pretty high. Need to take that into consideration.
  12. 10jh

    Walking Dead???

    Excellent show, can't wait for it to be back! Nice to see some British actors on mainstream US TV too. (apart from House!)
  13. 10jh

    car leasing

    WhatCar have a new leasing tool that brings up a load of prices for each car. Had a quick play and it works quite nicely. In terms of working out what car to get, this tool - Carbuzz works nicely for filtering down all the new cars on sale. (Ignore the supercars at the start, they go away...
  14. 10jh

    TopGear sued by Tesla

    Tesla say they have been trying to contact the BBC since the broadcast but they haven't responded. Suspicious they took 3 years to give up though!
  15. 10jh

    TopGear sued by Tesla

    Tesla suing BBC over TopGear faking their review. Story - Legal Docs - I knew TopGear was a bit staged, but can it really be that fixed?!