Recent content by 71bay

  1. 71bay

    Harley Club

    Great pictures the second one is my fav
  2. 71bay

    First Group from Waddington on Saturday inc. Vulcan

    Fantastic no 3 is my fav Its almost moving across my screen !
  3. 71bay

    lens question

    thanks for the reply :)
  4. 71bay

    lens question

    Hi all, Am I right in thinking I can use this lens "Tamron 55-200mm f/4-5.6 Di II LD Macro (Nikon AF)" with my nikon D40 but I will have to focus manualy by turning the focus ring ? Thanks Martin.
  5. 71bay

    Trees on my D40

  6. 71bay

    one for all the kids

    Thanks for the comments, It was my first time out with my D40 standard kit and I am thrilled with the results.
  7. 71bay

    one for all the kids

    And the ride was even better :D
  8. 71bay

    rock n roll

    Thanks for all the comments, I am pleased with my first results and can only get better :lol:
  9. 71bay

    one for all the kids

  10. 71bay

    rock n roll

    Sorry bout the sizing another new boy.
  11. 71bay

    rock n roll

    Yup your right Florida.
  12. 71bay

    rock n roll

    sorry this one should make up for it !
  13. 71bay

    rock n roll
  14. 71bay

    rock n roll
  15. 71bay

    night time photography

    Hi guys, no tripod used, guess I should have played around with the settings more, but im new to dslr and not sure about all the adjustments you can use:'(