Recent content by a_fisher

  1. A

    First day HND Photography

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll have fun! Uni and college were probably the most exciting years of my life, I wish I could go back :(
  2. A


    Voted for you too :)
  3. A

    Capturing the atom bomb on film...

    The images moments after the blast are impressive, but the bus images are what makes it 'real' for me. Here's a great documentary on the manhattan project for anyone interested (56mins long):
  4. A

    £200 for first DSLR?

    I'd recommend the D40 too. It was my first DSLR and I slowly added a few more lenses to my collection after using the kit lens for a bit, then I upgraded to a D200 without having to worry about replacing lenses. I still have my D40 for when I want something a little lighter because it takes...
  5. A

    Channel 5

    This is when Sky+ remote record comes in handy. First I heard of it thanks :)
  6. A

    Replacement hot shoe

    bttt Anyone else have any ideas, I'd rather order online if possible. Failing that I'll try your idea Sam ;)
  7. A

    Blue Reef Bristol

    The terrapin is great. I assume you've been reading up on your 'Rule of Thirds' ;) Good start
  8. A

    Replacement hot shoe

    It hasn't come off. It's slightly bent on one side so I can't slide anything into it. I'd rather replace it than attempt to bend it back
  9. A

    Replacement hot shoe

    Hi, Just wondering where I can buy a genuine Nikon hot shoe (Or any other good quality that will fit for that matter). I can find replacement covers online but not the actual hot shoe itself. If it makes any difference its for a D200. Thanks in advance, Adam
  10. A

    What is your 2nd favourite photo site?

    Never knew about this site. Thanks for pointing it out!
  11. A

    Deserted London

    #3 has the 'spookiest' feel to me. They're all pretty cool :)
  12. A

    Tree Shadows

    #1 is fantastic. It's the colours that do it for me :)
  13. A

    It’s Frothy Man – a couple of cute polar bears! - La Palmyre Zoo - Royan, France

    I love #1. I like taking my camera to zoo's etc, but don't like shots that have 'unnatural' features such as cages, tiles, man made structures. I rarely get shot's that I really like when I go to zoo's.
  14. A

    Missed the nothern lights!

    I've done that a few times. Sorry to rub it in but I haven't missed anything as impressive as the northern lights when I've left my camera behind... :) I've only ever seen northern lights from an aeroplane.
  15. A

    One of my first shots, looking for C&C

    Was this taken at 'The Deep' in Hull? I went there for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I got a few pics I was happy with but haven't sorted through them yet. High ISO's and a steady hand were required. The tank in your picture would have been good to practice on because it was very...