Recent content by Adam Teague

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    I agree, the white background does nothing for the colour and it looks a bit washed out. Was trying something a bit different but the colour was a let down Thanks for your comments, much appreciated
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    First close up shots

    Thanks, just out of couriosity why did you ask what camera and lens?
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    First close up shots

    Thanks for the comments. I am using a sony a77 with a minolta 35-105 lens
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    Eigg Part 1 (not Eigg)

    Wow, I really like them all but #1 is my favourite.......
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    Landscape, trying anyway

    I like all 4 to be honest. You should be pleased, did you do any post work on them?
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    771 NAS - 24 Hours In The Life Of A On Duty SAR Crew

    Very good set. You should be pleased
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    Sunset in Herefordshire
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    Can you tell what it is yet............
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    Blyth Pipe

    Very moody and engaging. I love it
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    Freshwater West - Stardust

    The first is a real winner for me. Love this
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    Great shot. Love the depth of field here
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    Shooting with female photographer Jamari Lior

    They are all great for me. Well done. I especially like #1