Recent content by ade73

  1. ade73

    Greys (again, sigh lol)

    A couple of greys that were wondering what i was upto. lol C&C welcome as always. :)
  2. ade73


    Sorry but thats pretty much the full shot, the little critter was running about that much i was lucky to get that when he stopped for a pose. The full shot has a small branch across where his tail is.
  3. ade73

    Couple of torch painting.

    Thanks :)
  4. ade73

    Couple of torch painting.

    Thanks. :)
  5. ade73


    Shot in my garden and the local woods. And finally C&C welcome as always
  6. ade73

    Couple of torch painting.

    Playing with the bulb setting on my fuji S100FS. C&C welcome as always. :)
  7. ade73


    A couple of moon shots to start my posting. Both shot with FujiS100FS. C&C welcome.
  8. ade73


    Thanks and Happy New Year to you both and everybody else. :)
  9. ade73


    Hi, just joined up. Im Ade, from a little village in north Durham. Still learing and just traded up from a Fuji S5800 to the awesome Fuji S100FS. A Few of my shots from both can be viewed on my Flickr page.