Recent content by aintgotaclue_

  1. aintgotaclue_

    Books to read for a beginner.

    Hi all, I am pretty s*** at this photography stuff and was wondering what books are worth reading to help improve, or get a different perspective, on how to make a 'good' picture? Aside from taking pictures, most of my ideology comes from movies or music videos or unrelated arts as to what I...
  2. aintgotaclue_

    Beginner Beginner

    In terms of inspiration, it is a gut thing. At least from a non-professional perspective, it just pops up there and then and I just take it. I still find it hard to beat the awkwardness and embarrassment of capturing pictures when people are around but alas I take the picture before quickly...
  3. aintgotaclue_


    Hey everyone, Brand new to photography and brand new to this forum. It's a hobby I've always wanted to start but always thought too expensive to begin. But now, entering the second third of my life, I felt it may be time to give it a go. I've always wondered how people got into photography in...