Recent content by Albannach

  1. A

    ID needed if possible

    Given that it's in a pine tree and quite a large greenish caterpillar, I'd guess that it might be a Pine Hawkmoth caterpillar.
  2. A

    Why did the rabbit cross the road?

    That's why it crossed the road - to visit it's flatmate! :gag:
  3. A

    Scottish landscapes

    Here you go for the whereabouts of #3 Ian: I quite like them but I wonder if a dark vignette would work better? :)
  4. A

    Visitor to Bird Feeder

    Hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, dried fruit, raisins, sunflower seeds (they seem to like the stripey ones especially) are all good - make up a nice mix and they'll love you for it! Best avoid peanuts - poor quality food for squirrels and there is a risk of aflatoxin poisoning which knackers...
  5. A

    Snowy red squirrels in APRIL!

    Excellent shots Will. We never had any snow this winter...
  6. A

    ID please

    Isn't that Vole-demort? Sorry - I'll get my coat... :gag:
  7. A

    Too Close For Comfort (Red squirrels)

    I've been trying this exact same thing Will, having spent months cultivating some local squirrels. It took a little time to get the squirrels used to the camera but I was quite pleased with the results. I did find to begin with that they jumped a bit when they got close to the camera - I think...
  8. A

    Kingfisher portraits.

    As a newbie on here, for me these pictures are an absolute inspiration. (Just wish we had some kingfishers around here.)