Recent content by alexk1985

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    Tiger at the zoo C&C

    Funny looking lion! Good shot though.
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    First 7D shots. Bouncey Dog!!

    Being a bit of a noob I'm not sure what you mean by ticked but I will take note for future.
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    First 7D shots. Bouncey Dog!!

    Here you go Dawn hope you don't mind ;)
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    First 7D shots. Bouncey Dog!!

    They look great. The last is my favorite although I can see number 3 being made into a motivational poster of some kind. *Runs away to think of witty caption :exit:
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    Weird Focus

    Hi Ken, I'm not an expert, as you can tell I've hardly posted, but it could be that the screen flickers like a TV ie so many frames per second. So the camera only picked up one of these frames and wouldn't show any motion as for the rest of the exposure the screen was not showing anything...
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    Knockhill BTCC - 16/08/09 (First Post)

    Cheers for the advice Keith. Knockhill was packed and there was loads of people around so I didn't get much space with a view to practice with. Gonna go up in a couple weeks when its quieter to do just that. Would like to know the ideal speed to take them at so I can set the camera to that and...
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    Knockhill BTCC - 16/08/09 (First Post)

    Thanks for the feedback folks :) Was my first attempt at panning so I didn't want to set the shutter speed too long for my unsteady hand.
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    Knockhill BTCC - 16/08/09 (First Post)

    Hey guys this is my first post so please be gentle. A few of my favorite photos from Knockhill on Sunday past. I've cropped them to my liking and edited the colours/levels in some. Let me know what you think. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Thanks for looking, Alex