Recent content by AllThumbs

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    Photo Books T&C

    And I thought I'd posted a reply to this - my thanks for yours. As you suggested I tried the human route and spoke to someone by phone (moral - email is not the quick fix it once was). Turns out this term is to allow them to print and reprint a book, not to allow them to use your stuff for...
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    Photo Books T&C

    Can someone clarify for me this issue. I used Bobs Books for a recent collection of photos and they did a lovely job. So I planned another one and whilst doing it the software wanted to update. During the process a new T&C came up which included this 4.6 Authorized cewe-photo provider and...
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    Canon 100mm Macro - Is lack of IS an issue?

    I do find IS to be handy. I've tried my 55-250 with it off and for me it makes the world of difference. That said the 4.5max app isn't so helpful, and, as the AF can sometimes hunt I mostly shoot on manual focus or fine tune with manual. (Or use the body rocking approach). They usually talk...
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    Canon 100mm Macro - Is lack of IS an issue?

    The last time I tried resorting to a tripod I had a Raynox on the front of my 50-250mm lens and I was using an old benbo which, whilst it's great in so far as it can get into just about any position, it's not exactly wieldy or light. Fortunately the bugs I was shooting were not overly fussed...
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    Canon 100mm Macro - Is lack of IS an issue?

    Thanks for the replies folks. I shall keep my eye on the 100 then and aim at that when funds permit. Would like to see some of the shots with the 100L IS myself. I think I'm also going to have to really get my head around the flash to make the most of the macro lens. (lots of reading /...
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    Canon 100mm Macro - Is lack of IS an issue?

    My kit pretty much consists of the two IS kit lenses and a Raynox, and I have to admit, as I've a slight tendency to 1) have less than steady hands, and 2) prefer not to use a tripod, I've found these a terrific boon. However I've recently come around to macro and semi macro (as in not the...
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    A moth, a beetle and a fly

    Thanks Ajophotog. I've been looking at your stuff and thinking of hanging up my spurs (sorry for delay in responding)
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    A moth, a beetle and a fly

    Cheers Matt. Yeah, the moth I agree isn't sharp. I find them flighty tiny creatures and they just wouldn't have me come closer. Between that and not having a flash.... :( The St Marks was taken with an LX3, and I think he was exhausted. They seem to have a very busy few days and then...
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    A moth, a beetle and a fly

    I've been meaning to post something up for a while now, but being a bear of very little brain I've not been having much luck in making things small enough to fit without suffering excessively from the process of it. Anyhow, here are my first three pics on the site. C&C welcome. I only see...
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    Noob stuck!

    I'm new here myself but I'd say to your 5 points, look again. 1. People - I was shooting in a small group a while back and tried shooting from the hip or just with the camera held loosely down by my side. If you don't wave it around people are more relaxed/natural. Sure there'll be some duff...
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    Lo Folks

    Been reading the forum for a few days now. Decided to sign up and join in, though the size of the membership is a tad daunting. Truth be told, rather like when I first started browsing Flickr, you see some of the stuff that people produce and put up here and you're drawn to just sell your...
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    Wireless Remote Shutter Release for Canon 40D

    Pardon a response from a newb to the forums, I also have one of the Yongnuo. though this one doesn't say it works with a 40d, for that you'd need...