Recent content by alphaman

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    New Long Exposures

    Excellent images my preference is #1
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    Star Trail

    Very nice, it's an image i must try and capture myself too.
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    using off camera flash?

    I was wanting to know what settings i need to set on the flash unit itself, but your answer partly answers my question thanks.
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    using off camera flash?

    Hello all, i have the Sony alpha a580 and a jessops afds 360 flash gun. I do not know how to set it up to use as an off camera flash :bang: any help would be great thanks. I don't really use the flash but would like to try new photo ideas using ocf. Thanks for now.
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    Heron Catching a DUCK

    Herons ate my fish....GRRRR not a fan. Like you say right place right time.
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    Crosby sunset

    Perhaps a lower shooting angle to get more reflection of the sun in the sand. And out the sun to one side. Just a thought . Great picy.
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    Please help me improve this...

    2 exposures blended together sounds like the easiest way around this issue and the tweak it in lightroom, ooh and shoot in raw.
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    Mixed bag from the Isle Of Skye Part 1

    5 & 6 for me but a great set of images. Well done.
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    Loch Lomond

    I don't use my circular polarising filter for that reason :-)
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    Scottish Highlands - A mixed bag

    Great shots Michael liked the hay bales quite a lot me self, but there all great shots.
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    First daytime long exposure test - Newcastle Bay

    I was thinking about getting some welding glass my self soon, what strength did you get and what settings did you use. Any help would be great i want to get some nice cloud shots with the same technique. Love your shot the horizon is so crisp.
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    Misty Morning

    Any picture of beautiful Scotland gets me going, can't get enough of the place myself.
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    Jupiter and Io 19-02-2013

    Far out man! Great shot. NO Fantastic it.
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    Black and White Long Exposure

    I agree with Dexter247 lose the small rock it adds nothing and is a little distracting, lovely shot though :-)