Recent content by Astro

  1. Astro

    Any Astrophotographers on here??? ......

    I don't spend much time on the planets, but concentrate more on the deep sky stuff. I too would like to see an Astronomy section :clap:
  2. Astro

    Rainbow at loch Earn

    Fantastic colours. It looks like you have captured 3 bows. The primary bow, then the secondary bow on the left and a third fainter bow that projects vertically up starting from the end of the main bow. This is probably caused by the sun's reflection off the lake surface. Cool !
  3. Astro

    Why throw away the Box!!

    I keep all my boxes. But I do make sure subsequent purchases have a bigger box so all previous ones go inside, Russian doll style. This has a major advantage in that the wife doesn't notice the gradual expansion of the single Nikon box on the shelf ;)
  4. Astro

    How to create water beads?

    Rinse aid would reduce the surface tension of the water and have the opposite effect required.
  5. Astro

    SB900 am I missing something

    Check you have the camera set to matrix or centre weighted metering. If it's set to spot you don't get the BL option showing on the flash.
  6. Astro

    I will never tire of photographing...

    Hi, Not wanting to hi-jack the thread, but a few details on my astrophotography set up. I use a Newtonian telescope 10" f6.3 1600mm focal length which is mounted on a solid equatorial mount; an absolute must when shooting at 1600mm or longer. :cuckoo: I use dedicated mono astro camera most...
  7. Astro

    I will never tire of photographing...

    ....... the night sky (when it isn't cloudy/raining/snowing/foggy/misty etc...:shrug:)
  8. Astro

    Comet Ison- One to watch for this year?

    Unfortunately many comets promise so much but sadly fail in the 'fireworks ' department. My fingers are crossed this time, again !
  9. Astro

    Do you think it is worth it?

    It seems you are in the very early stages of your idea. You need to collate a lot of details before you can even get an idea whether this is going to be a viable business. The £9000 rent is just the start of your costs!!! The tip of the iceburg even. Google 'business plan' and put a...
  10. Astro

    which telescope for D700 and astrophotography

    I wouldn't recommend that scope as a starting point for astrophotography. The focal lenght is quite long at 1000mm and the mount is definitely not substantial enough for photography. To point a 1000mm focal length scope ( or lens) you would need to spend a lot more on the mount alone to allow...
  11. Astro

    TP Day 2011 - Entries Thread - Slideshow now out!

    I think I should have got to the field a bit earlier and took this at 7.00 pm just as the light was going down.
  12. Astro

    Royal Mail have lost my D300s!

    :thumbs: I have a small business and we send most of our packets by Royal Mail signed for recorded.For the most part it's a 'reliable' service. For the packets we send out about 0.5% get lost and are never seen again!:eek: There must be a mountain of lost mail the size of the Himalayas...
  13. Astro

    DigitalRev for new Camera - Use their website, their Ebay, or buy from the UK?

    If you have already paid Vat and/or import duty you shouldn't have to pay it again if sending back abroard for an in waranty repair. You need to state the package is to be sent for 'free waranty repair' and sent under Outward Processing Relief "OPR". The shipper will need a commercial...
  14. Astro

    Astro Photography

    Yes, I've been taking astrophotos for quite a while. Here's some of them in my flickr set - Have you done much astro stuff or just starting out ?
  15. Astro

    Poppies 2011 - locations?

    Here's a poppy field near where I live in North Oxfordshire, just off the A422 on the East side of Middleton Cheney. There's a few more photos of them on my flickr.