Recent content by barnetpete

  1. B


    The American Cemetery at Omaha Beach in May 2013. Appreciate your feedback.
  2. B

    Night at the Horse Racing

    Hi, let me know what you think of this shot. I took quite a few and this was the best of the bunch. Racing at night by barnetpete, on Flickr
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    Rwandan child

    Hello, I took this picture of a young child in Rwanda. I have cropped the image from the original, taken out a lot of a rather uninteresting background. Let me know what you think?
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    Hi, This is a shot of Kravice Waterfalls in Bosnia. I welcome your feedback, it was my first attempt at a long exposure shot on a waterfall.
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    Misty Isle of Wight.....

    I really like number 1. Could you have straightened up the shot with the gates? I find my eye a little distracted by the tree in the background and think a slight move to the right would have gotten rid of that. I would like to see what happens with a slightly tighter crop with the picture as...
  6. B

    Alien encounter clouds

    Not sure if this is correct in terms of "proper" photography, but I love it when the cloud separates the sky into two distinct colours during a sunset. Awesome shot!
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    Young protester

    I like the shot, the girl and the sign soooooo should not go together, but it makes it so interesting to look at. :)) My only comment would be the interest of the picture is the little girl, and I would liked to have seen more of the girls face, as this would have added to "her story" But I...
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    Tree by a lake

    Thanks for the comment :))
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    Tree by a lake

    Hi, When I saw this tree, I really liked the colours on it and the uniform way they work up the tree. Comments welcome ;) Any advice on PP would be very welcome (am new to the world of PP!)
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    Remembrance Sunday

    Yeah, number 9 for me! Cracker. I like number 6 as well, he seems lost in his own thoughts, very apt.
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    The Tannery in Fes

    I did wonder when we went into a shop and they gave us some mint to hold....! Thanks Tina! :-D
  12. B

    Preston bus station named as a 'treasured location'

    The professionals call it "British Brutality", meaning the building does EXACTLY what it looks like it does - the South Bank centre was named on the same list. I watched a news article about it and they interviewed this young chap who when asked about the inner beauty of the place said "yes...
  13. B

    Remembrance Day 2011

    The subject in number 2 is just fantastic - such emotion. Completely sums up the event and what it stands for....even though the background is a bit of a distraction, I don't think it detracts from what is a powerful image.
  14. B

    Candid shot. Lunch on a stripy bench...

    I like the first picture more, the longer wall seems to make the girls more insignificant in the shot, which I think works. I like how the girls look quite distant from each other as well.
  15. B

    Hello from London

    Thanks guys. I have put my first pictures up - one in People and one in nature wild and free. Hope you like them :-)