Recent content by billbring

  1. billbring

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    No you don't. Convert to DNG is my standard workflow and the Fuji film presets are still available.
  2. billbring

    Castle Crag

    Wonderful images, particularly the first one.
  3. billbring

    Critique Autumn in Clumber Park

    Thanks for the replies. The exif isn't accurate as the lens was completely manual and sent no information to the camera. It was actually set to f/16. It was the 12mm Sanyang as well, rather than 50mm as stated. I think I will go back again as I can see many things that I can do better as you...
  4. billbring

    Critique Autumn in Clumber Park

    Had a short walk through clumber park yesterday evening and the display of colour was pretty spectacular. Red Carpet by Joel Smith, on Flickr
  5. billbring

    Beginner with square filters.

    I was out shooting today with a set of Hitech ND grads and they are OK but certainly not neutral. There is a blue cast which needs to be corrected in software. Which brings me on to my next point...I'm really starting to think that ND grads can be replaced with software exposure blending and...
  6. billbring

    Carrying 100 x 150 filters...

    I use this lowepro case which seems decent enough. Holds 10 filters with space for filter holder too.
  7. billbring

    B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

    Here's a recent one of the dog eyeing up some food after diving in a river to chase some ducks.
  8. billbring


    Got up early today to see the sunrise from the top of Thorpe Cloud, Dovedale and have my first proper go at a landscape now I have a new set of filters to play with. Critique welcome... IMG_5437.jpg by billbring, on Flickr
  9. billbring

    Alnmouth Beach

    Dave, thanks for the comment. Could you expand a bit on what you don't like about the PP, I might have another go at it.
  10. billbring

    Alnmouth Beach

    I've made an adjustment in lightroom to bring the exposure down a bit. They were pushed intentionally to make them bright as I just found the look quite appealing, obviously a personal thing :lol: I was using a polariser and find my camera tends to under-expose with it on. With +2/3 - 1 stop...
  11. billbring

    Alnmouth Beach

    Here's a few from Alnmouth Beach at sunrise this morning. It was my first trip out with the new tripod I've had since christmas, and I'm very pleased with it. The wind was blowing a gale but it was so much more stable than the cheap thing I had before. I was a sceptic of expensive tripods for a...
  12. billbring

    Ronny terrier

    I love the last one. My rescue terrier is exactly the same with regards having problems with other dogs whilst on the lead. It is amazing the difference in their character when they're let loose to do their own thing and your photos have captured this well :thumbs:
  13. billbring

    The Harbour at Night

    Good technique, it's nice and sharp with good depth of field, but the composition isn't really giving me a focal point. There is nothing to lead the eye into the picture if you see what I mean. Also you could do with rotating it clockwise a couple of degrees to straighten it up.
  14. billbring

    X100 @ iso3200 of Mayah

    Nice image, just not sure about the processing. Isn't one of the X100's strong points supposed to be it colour reproduction. I think with 100% saturation this would look much better.
  15. billbring

    Your Top 3 Landscapes Of The Year

    Ladybower looks pretty special here. Love the serenity.