Recent content by BJMB

  1. B

    Band Photoshoot

    well tonight is the night.. band rehersal and photo shoot withe me as snapper!! many thanks for the advice given, if anyone else has any words of wisdom then please feel free to enlighten me.
  2. B

    Band Photoshoot

    no tripod yet.. on the to buy list. the camera does have a self timer though.. may have to improvise with a chair or summut if i use it.. the place is pretty smart inside for rehersal rooms... no sticky carpets etc.. although outside is a bit more 'urban' may try a group shot outside the doors...
  3. B

    Band Photoshoot

    hi tom. like those pics. no, were not metal... more indie rock. ok so up the iso seems to be the key. so... again maybe a daft question but should i choose app priority or shutter? or neither?.... bearing in mind i will need to had the camera over to one of the lads for my moment/s in front of it?
  4. B

    Band Photoshoot

    thanks matt.... also the room isnt the biggest and we are a 5 peice... but there is space to move about,, and have been thinking of getting some quirky angels.. standing on a chair, through the drum kit etc.. as im guitarist as well will need to pass the camera to one of the lads to take a few...
  5. B

    Band Photoshoot

    well here is my first of probably many asks for advice.. am doing a bit of a photo session with my band at rehersal on monday night. the pics will hopefully be used for a bit of promo material if they are good enough.... he says hopefully!!!..... all ill have with me is the nikon 3100 and kit...
  6. B

    Does this processing work ?

    the aged effect for me is cool.. but i agree a bit to dark. i have used a similar effect using layers and textures in photoshop for some poster designs.
  7. B

    Cornwall set

    the snapspeed filter has done exactly what its called.. i know its all down to personal preference, but i actually really like the effect the filter gives.. its almost like its night time.. but it isnt... if you get my drift.
  8. B

    HELP PLEASE! Police Line-Up

    also just noticed at bottom of home page there is a most popular posts section.. "handy techniques for cutting out hair in photoshop'' again this may help you.. open up your file in ps and have the tutorial open in your browser follow the instructions and just have a play!. for me, the best way...
  9. B

    HELP PLEASE! Police Line-Up

    hi again.. go to the home page of the blog and click the tutorial link on the right hand side,i think its on page 2 there is a section on doing a vintage motorcycle poster, this should give you a lot of step by step advice in cutting out and using layers etc.. as for the line up background...
  10. B

    HELP PLEASE! Police Line-Up

    hi im from a graphics background and there are lots of tutorials on line that can help.. one that i use quite a lot is granted this is not really based on strictly photography but the principles would be the same i think. he has lots of free tutorials on there about...
  11. B

    APPLE iMac

    having been a mac user since leaving art college.... (cough) years ago, and from a graphic design background i have to say the mac wins hands down in all areas. apart from price!! but for me is a small price to pay for the kit you get. have a 21'' imac and cant say i have ever had any issues...
  12. B

    My cloning

    top work.. like the others say... you look for the cloning knowing its been done.. but if you didnt know, would be hard to notice.
  13. B

    A mixed bunch

    love those.. the sunsets are amazing.. having just joined and recently purchasing a D3100, these are a real boost to what the camera can acheive and if me and the wife can get shots anywhere near as good we will be very happy snappers!! :-)
  14. B

    Hello eveyone

    Hi all.. newbie here.. after 12 - 18 months messing with our fuji bridge camera, my wife and i have stepped into the world of DLSR. we have just got our nikon D3100 and are both very much looking forward to improving and learning. from what i have seen on here so far.. lots of excellent tips and...