Recent content by BML

  1. BML

    Beginner I'm looking for how to get some old B/W negatives ptinted.

    I will give it a try, many thanks.
  2. BML

    Beginner I'm looking for how to get some old B/W negatives ptinted.

    I do have an Epson GT 15000 scanner which I vaguely remember using to copy some colour slides but I have no idea if it can copy B/W negatives.
  3. BML

    I'm looking for a FREE photo editing application.

    Many thanks for all of your suggestions. The situation is that I still use the Canon 300D but I have also moved into the world of the Smart Phone and use a Samsung J6. I am a trifle forgetful but today when searching for a Free Photo Editing App I remembered that I once used Adobe Photoshop...
  4. BML

    I'm looking for a FREE photo editing application.

    I am looking for a free photo editing app as I am an aboslute beginner but every so called free app I open finishes up asking for money. If I ever reach a reasonable phtographic standard I may well think it worth buying a pay for app but I'm fed up with folf attempting to screw me.
  5. BML

    Placing a piece of a photograph on another photograph?

    I have taken a photograph of a child's doll which I would like to impose, if that's the correct term, onto the coal tender of a steam engine I also photographed. Could someone please suggest a simple editing software that I could use.