Recent content by BradRWills

  1. B

    BTCC Finale @ Brands Hatch

    Nice shots! #1 is a bit cluttered for me, #8 and #12 look "cooler" so could perhaps do with a little colour correction to "warm them" - unless you wanted it to look cold and dank (which I believe it was!) The rest are great!
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    DTM Finale Hockenheim

    Love 2 and 3... 9 is a lovely capture too! I really love 2 because it made me look at least twice, before I realised that it was the light on the kerb reflecting that has made the trail. It's probably a bit of a marmite shot - I think some people might think that it's a bit undercooked...
  3. B

    Silverstone HSCC - Rain or shine?

    5 and 6 for me - that's what a proper racing car should look like!
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    BTCC Silverstone

    LOVE that Caterham shot! Having seen them taking people out on joyrides loads of times before, that really sums up exactly what you're getting when you pay the money for the trip! Reckon that one's worth contacting Silverstone about - perhaps part of their next brochure?
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    Thought I'd add my experience of e-cigs. I found out I was going to be a daddy 2 years ago now - I didn't want to be a smoker when the sprog came along, and smoking around a pregnant (non smoking) wife wouldn't have gone down well either. Ordered a SkyCig two days after we found out...
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    Flash Guns

    The advantage of an external flash, is flexibility. The built in flash fires in one direction only, and whilst you can get bouncy adapters etc, they're really inadequate. An external flash will allow you to control the light source, and techniques such as flash bouncing, diffusing, off...
  7. B

    Getting the best from a Canon 40d

    Magic lantern does some funky stuff, but I don't think it'll reduce the noise issue - as previously stated - add 0.5+EV on everything, use RAW, and post post post! I loved my 40D - if it hadn't been nicked, I'd still have it now!
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    mirrorless or dslr

    My set up is simple - if I can carry everything around, I take 60D with grip, 24-70L, 100-400L and monopod and my Metz Handle flash. If I want simple and easy to carry, I strip it down, stick the 17-85mm lens on, and use it like a point and shoot.... I tried a mirrorless - it just wasn't the...
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    Rain cover for camera

    Also made my own, out of a UV filter, and a pair of waterproof trousers....worked a treat, until it got knicked along with the rest of my gear! Beware if you make your own, that you probably want it to go to the full extension of your lens - especially if you have a push pull zoom like I did...
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    Lets see your panning shots

    Seem to remember this one being me fiddling around and seeing "how low I could go"..... Not this low was the answer, but I quite liked the result!
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    Night time motorsport togging

    Hi James, I'm a bit of a noob here, but I have been to Le-Mans 12 times, and have taken an SLR/DSLR about 8 times in an attempt to take decent photos. The first thing I'd say, is don't go with massive expectations of picking up killer shots. Le-Mans is an absolute ***** to shoot from...