Recent content by buckster5

  1. B

    A few Typhoon Shots

    Ey up mate. I spoke to you at work last week ref the formation of a camera club. Just seen these word..awesome! Think I need to bring my camera to work and let you show me how you get these pics! Keep up the good work!
  2. B

    How do I reduce file size for uploading?

    Just had a quick look, thanks for posting the link. I'll give it a go tomorrow evening, its a bit late for me to start doing it now. Thanks again
  3. B

    How do I reduce file size for uploading?

    Hi all Quick question...ive just tried to upload a few pics but it is telling me that my file size is too big. Any advice on how I can reduce my file size in order to be able to upload it? Thanks in advance for your replies Kris
  4. B

    A Perfect Peak District Day

    Excellent set of shots. Living close to the Peak District, it inspires me to get out there and try to get some of my own! Maybe a few years more practice before i can get anything nearly as good ;)
  5. B

    Can i upgrade to elements 9

    Thanks all for the replies. I think I will probably just install the new one. The real reason for my initial query was was it worth the extra expense of elements 9 if elements 8 was still pretty good in its own right. However with ** advise, and some from a friend, I will stop being tight and...
  6. B

    Can i upgrade to elements 9

    A couple of weeks ago I bought elements 9, however this evening i have bought a new laptop that comes with elements 8 already installed on it. My question is can i upgrade the elements 8 to element 9 at a price lower than the full elements 9? Also, is it worth the extra expense or would u just...
  7. B

    Which lens for flying?

    Thanks for the advise guys. Simon, did u do any editing of your images or is that how they were straight out of the camera? Only reason I ask is because as of yet I do not have any software (or a computer for that matter). I usually have to pester my mrs to let me get on her laptop to review...
  8. B

    Which lens for flying?

    Hi all Im off flying with a friend tomorrow in a light aircraft and want to take my camera, but im unsure as to which lens will be best suited. I have an 18-55mm and 55-200mm. Im of the mindset that the 18-55 will probably best because I will be able to get more into the image (for want of a...
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    Sheffield by night

    A few weeks would prob be best for me also. I hate to throw a spanner in the works but I normally travel to Lincolnshire on Sunday evenings, but not til around 10pm, so early evening should be fine. Dark nights are on the way soon though too so hopefully there will still be plenty of scope to...
  10. B

    Lens price website

    Speaking of good prices..I have always found to be the cheapest.
  11. B

    Sheffield by night

    Hi, yeah I'd be up for meeting up. I work away thru the week, and am usually busy on saturdays back in sheffield, so it would prob have to be a sunday if thats ok? Be aware though that I am only just starting out, so I would prob be asking loads of questions!!
  12. B

    Southport Air Show #1

    Awesome pictures, I especially like the Merlin ones. I used to maintain them at RNAS Culdrose..awesome aircraft from an engineers point of view and by the looks of it awesome from a photogrpahers point of view too!
  13. B

    Sheffield by night

    Just a quick q, where u using a starburst filter or did you add the effect whilst editing?
  14. B

    Sheffield by night

    I agree with Lee, these pictures are awesome. My favorite has to be the one outside the station. I live in Sheffield too, but have only had a DSLR for a few months and am completely new to photogrpahy (other than point and shoot). These images have inspired me to try and be a bit more creative...
  15. B

    quick question about circular polarisers

    Hi everybody Ive just come back from a couple of days in Whitby, where my camera has been in and out of its bag quite a bit! The skies kept on going from being cloudless and clear blue, to being overcast. Being new to DSLR's, ive done a fair bit of reading up, and know that CP filters have...