Recent content by bushcraft

  1. bushcraft

    whats your ideal shooting location?

    I think my one would be Orkney. How about you? Kris
  2. bushcraft

    Howdy guys and gals

    Thanks for the welcome guys. Just now im in Essex but I also spend a lot of time in Orkney, so a bit of both! Kris
  3. bushcraft

    Howdy guys and gals

    Thank you very much :)
  4. bushcraft

    Whats wrong with Nikon?

    Just so greedy Mark :p At least you can't get offended when someone slates one of them lol. Kris
  5. bushcraft

    Howdy guys and gals

    Cheers Mark. Im glad you like the site, a lot of time, money and effort went into that. My photography one is a bit more simple although I have added some shots on this one too. Thanks again Kris
  6. bushcraft

    First Attempt

    Hi Rob, Even something like tissue paper will diffuse the flash. Try running the burn tool over the highlights, done correctly this can work well, although im no PS whizz! Good shot by the way! Kris
  7. bushcraft

    Buying an SLR on a budget

    Look out for a Nikon D40, Canon 350D or Nikon 50D, all second hand, you should get an OK deal. If you could spend a little more look for the Canon 350D kit, Old but NEW if you know what I mean, try the Nikon D40 new is pretty cheap to as its been discontinued in most...
  8. bushcraft

    Strange things from Google Earth

    thanks :)
  9. bushcraft

    Strange things from Google Earth

    Is this google earth thing free? I would just google it and look but they always say free even if thats not the case. Kris
  10. bushcraft

    Whats wrong with Nikon?

    I have used both and can find fault with both along with many strong points too. All of the below are my own opinions so please don't slag me off if you don't (and most probably won't) agree. For me Nikon has better cheap glass, the lens and body build seems better (up to D200/300 level)...
  11. bushcraft

    Howdy guys and gals

    Thank you Bill :wave: Kris
  12. bushcraft

    Howdy guys and gals

    Hello, My name is Kris and I run Greenman Bushcraft Ltd. I got into nature and bushcraft when I was just 4 years old. About 7 years ago I took up digital photography and now have an addiction to wildlife photography. I set up my own personal nature photography site last year which has had...