Recent content by Canonfodder24

  1. Canonfodder24

    Egyptian protest Flickr groups

    Just got back from Egypt on Wednesday, managed a couple of shots in relation to the situation there. Had to take it through the window of the coach.
  2. Canonfodder24

    Taking Camera Equipment through Airport security

    Hi, thought I'd post this pic, until the trip to the airport we had seen little to do with the uprising in this fantastic country. I'm not after any C&C as such, as it was taken through the window of the bus on the way back to Luxor airport.
  3. Canonfodder24

    Taking Camera Equipment through Airport security

    Hi folks, no problem taking my stuff through security either at Birmingham or Luxor, went straight through the xray machine with no further checks. Will post a few pics from Egypt later!:cool:
  4. Canonfodder24

    Taking Camera Equipment through Airport security

    Actually a few years ago we were going through the channel tunnel and we had a full swab check on the car (which was about a week old):bonk: which showed traces of fertiliser, apparently useful in bomb making. The security guy asked if I'd ever used a gun to which I said yes due to the fact I...
  5. Canonfodder24

    Taking Camera Equipment through Airport security

    excellent responses to my original thread. I've been taking all the other redundant stuff out of my bag today to make space for a book and my Ipod. More importantly now that I'm all in the know about taking my camera kit through, any tips or thoughts on pics I should be looking to do. We're...
  6. Canonfodder24

    Taking Camera Equipment through Airport security

    I dont intend to take all my kit, just the body, standard lens and my 70-300, hope to use the rest of the space for the usual stuff to get through the flight, aolng with any junk I buy at the airport! See you all in a week or so!
  7. Canonfodder24

    Taking Camera Equipment through Airport security

    Thanks for all the replies, really helpful! Hope I'll have a few decent photos to post when I get back.
  8. Canonfodder24

    Taking Camera Equipment through Airport security

    Hi, I'm off on holiday next week and have never travelled through an airport since I've had my camera bag full of gear. Although I don't intend to take every bit of kit, I want to take the rucksack and camera with lenses on as hand luggage. Does anyone know if there is any particular security...
  9. Canonfodder24

    Mirror images

    Its basically just a water drop I did, then flipped it and reflected it. I did some selective colouring on it as well, which I know is not to everyones taste! The original is in a previous thread (or my gallery)
  10. Canonfodder24

    Mirror images

    Hi, although I've yet to post anything taken with my lovely new 7D, I thought I'd post this. I was playing around with Elements 9 and had a go using the reflection tool. I quite liked the result. Whats your thoughts?:)
  11. Canonfodder24

    WooHoo Got My New Canon 7D Today

    I'm really looking forward to using the 7D, but have been struck down with this damn flu since I bought it! At least the battery is charged though!
  12. Canonfodder24

    WooHoo Got My New Canon 7D Today

    Just got mine today as well. My 500D look a bit sad, hope I find a good home for it!:'(
  13. Canonfodder24

    First attempt at water drops

    hi again, speed was 1/200 f5.6. I set this up using the manual setting. Release cable, shutter release that you plug in the side of your camera. This will reduce any camera shake. about a fiver off Ebay!
  14. Canonfodder24

    First attempt at water drops

    I set it at 100 and just hit the release cable as I dripped the water. This was actually the second shot of about 100 or so, so you can either keep trying or just get lucky(ish) straight off. I'll add a few more as I crop them. Have a good Xmas, :wave:
  15. Canonfodder24

    First attempt at water drops

    Hi mate, thanks for reply. Used the standard lens, manually focussed onto a point on the plate, I had the camera plugged into the laptop with EOS Utility so it was easier to get the focus right. I used my faithful earwax dripper into some water with a drop of oil. Did a bit of PP in PSE9...